The Cause, Prevention and Treatment of Wrinkles

Anyone who wants to diminish the appearance of creases, lines and sagging should learn about: What causes fine and deep lines Ways to prevent further signs of aging Possible wrinkle treatment options. Individuals are different in how they are predisposed for wrinkles. Different ethnic groups, for example, display different physiological patterns as their skin ages. 

How Chemical Peels Work

Chemexfoliation or derma-peeling, also known as chemical peels, is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, causing it to ‘blister’ and eventually peel off. The new and rejuvenated skin then becomes smoother and less wrinkled than old skin. Chemical peels can

Results of Dermal Filler Treatment For Laugh Lines

Juvederm For Laugh Lines or Nasolabial Folds- Before and After

At the Office of Dr. U, patients in Los Angeles can receive  Juvederm which is a hyaluronic acid filler that can effectively correct prominent nasolabial folds and laugh lines. Juvederm easily diffuses into  the injection site to augment and hydrate tissue. The results are quite natural in appearance. Hydrelle is also another type of hyaluronic acid

Fraxel Repair for Skin Rejuvenation

Before Procedure: The patient was concerned about age spots which she has not been able to remove with topical medications and facials Procedure: Fraxel Repair laser was used to treat the entire face; Results are shown at only 3 weeks after the treatment Fraxel repair delivers ablative laser result with less down time. Fraxel Repair

Laugh Lines- Info| Los Angeles & South Bay Cities

Using Hyaluronic Acid Filler for Treating Laugh Lines or Nasolabial Folds

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers include brand names like Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane. It is however, the only hyaluronic acid filler that comes in combination with the numbing agent lidocaine. For this reason the injected area becomes numb quickly and painless. The doctor is able to massage the injected area into shape with no discomfort to

Front and Back Views of Liposuction Results in Los Angeles Patient

Los Angeles Liposuction Procedure of the Lower Abdomen and Thighs-Before and After

Indication for liposuction: Stubborn bulges in the lower abdomen, and thighs. Uneven contours of the thigh. Patient did not want anything aggressive Liposuction remains the only time tested and most effective way of removing stubborn and unwanted bulges by actually removing fat cells permanently. The procedure is done by Los Angeles dermatologist, Dr Umar  office in Redondo

Patient Before & After Silhouette Lift

Patient in Los Angeles Gets Treatment for Saggy Skin With Silhouette Lift-Before and After

Before Surgery: Los Angeles patient concerned about saggy skin  and the onset of jowling in her cheeks.  In a relatively young patient, with only mild degree of sag, a full facelift is considered too early and too invasive. The patient opted for a silhouette lift which is relatively non invasive. Here are before and after pictures:

Silhouette Lift Results - Jowls & Sagging

Los Angeles Patient Corrects Jowls & Saggy Skin – Before and After

Before Surgery: Patient was concerned about saggy skin in her cheeks and the significant jowling. She did not want any invasive surgical procedure and would not consider a surgical face lift. She opted for a silhouette lift which was a great compromise for what she wanted to achieve. Surgery:  Los Angeles dermatologist, Dr. Umar was

Close Up Photo| Acne Scars on Patient

Los Angeles Dermatologist: Laser Skin Rejuvenation to Finally Clear Those Acne Scars

All it took was walking across that stage at graduation and something clicked — since high school, your skin has been totally clear. Unfortunately, your skin still bears the scars inflicted from years battling the acne. Luckily, laser skin rejuvenation experts like Dr. Umar in Los Angeles can evaluate the condition of you skin and

Spider Vein Removal Results| Los Angeles| South Bay

Los Angeles Dermatologist: Laser Leg Vein Removal Process Using Nd YAG 1064 Laser

Laser vein removal treatment procedure involves having the laser light applied to the skin over the veins and these red veins will absorb the laser light, causing the veins to coagulate and shrink. Laser vein treatments are most effective for small and medium fine sized veins. Large veins usually respond poorly with the typical laser