Patient in Los Angeles Gets Treatment for Saggy Skin With Silhouette Lift-Before and After
Before Surgery: Los Angeles patient concerned about saggy skin and the onset of jowling in her cheeks. In a relatively young patient, with only mild degree of sag, a full facelift is considered too early and too invasive. The patient opted for a silhouette lift which is relatively non invasive. Here are before and after pictures:…
Acne Scar Removal and Photodynamic Light Therapy
In his practice, Dr. U offers Photodynamic light therapy as one option to treat acne. This is a blue light laser that is effective for treating even the most stubborn and severe acne. How Photodynamic Light Therapy Can Help Clear Acne Acne results from the obstruction and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and it affects 80% of…
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