Los Angeles patient before and after her laser acne scar treatment*
Los Angeles patients may feel daunted by the process of finding the best options for acne scar treatment. To make things simple, it is important to first understand how acne scars are formed. With this understanding in mind, it becomes easier to tell which choices make more sense.
Many people are unaware that scar tissue is actually made of the same collagen fibers that exist throughout the rest of the skin. The only difference between normal collagen tissue and acne scars is in the way they are arranged. This is why acne scars look thicker than the rest of the skin.
Thinking of acne scars as being part of the skin’s structure is key to determining the best treatment. Most topical products which claim to remove acne scars cannot make improvements in the configuration of collagen fibers.
Fraxel As an Acne Scar Treatment
Fraxel lasers utilize the body’s natural ability to produce healthy, normal collagen tissue. The focused light energy of the lasers turns into heat once it has reached the dermal layer below the surface. The skin responds as though it were traumatized. As a way to repair itself, it will produce collagen.
Acne scar removal is accomplished as these new fibers fill the depressions of the acne scars. Over the course of several procedures, the scars appear less dense and eventually fade as the skin becomes smoother.
There are two types of Fraxel laser systems that can effectively improve the appearance of scars.
1) Fraxel Dual
Fraxel Dual can be applied as an acne scar treatment for patients of all skin tones. It uses the 1550nm wavelength to apply precise levels of heat energy to the dermis. This enables specialized cells to produce new collagen fibers that will override the irregularities of the scar tissue.
This particular wavelength is not easily absorbed by melanin, which is relatively abundant in patients with darker skin tones. The risk of overheating, burns and scars becomes almost negligible as a result.
Los Angeles Acne Scar Treatment Case Study With Fraxel Dual
This Los Angeles patient underwent Fraxel Dual for her acne scar treatment.
As you can see from her video testimony, the changes she experienced were also noticed by other people as well. Besides cosmetic improvements, patients often report feeling less self conscious in social situations.
2. Fraxel Repair
Fraxel Repair uses the 10,600nm wavelength which makes it a very intense acne scar treatment. The laser creates numerous microscopic columns of light in the skin which vaporizes the surrounding tissue. These light induced burns affect both the surface and deeper skin layers. New collagen forms in the depressions of the acne scars, creating a smoother appearance.
Unlike Fraxel Dual, however, Fraxel Repair is only recommended for patients with lighter skin. This includes Fitzpatrick types I-III.
Punch Graft Excision As An Acne Scar Treatment
As the name might suggest, acne scar removal in punch graft surgery is achieved through the use of a surgical tool to excise individual acne scars.
Skin grafts taken from other parts of the body (e.g. behind the ear) are then used to replace the tissue that was removed.
After the skin has healed, irregularities in the skin’s surface are evened out through chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion As Acne Scar Treatments
Microdermabrasion is a relatively mild exfoliating process. The treatment uses fine particles of magnesium salt crystals. Although microdermabrasion is offered as a way to get rid of acne scars, it does not produce significant changes in the appearance of acne scars.
Dermabrasion on the other hand is far more aggressive. It entails a very high risk of scarring and unwanted skin discoloration. Therefore, it is not recommended for patients of darker skin color.
This procedure involves the use of a diamond fraise or a textured metallic surface to sand the surface of the skin. Recovery time is quite extensive as a result. It will take 5-8 days for new skin to grow. And 6-12 weeks will be needed for the redness to completely go away.
Although the experience of dermabrasion is quite intense, some patients are ideal candidates for this type of procedure. Results can be quite positive for these individuals.
Topical Acne Scar Treatments
Topical skin treatments generally cannot create significant changes in acne scar tissue. However, an exception for very minor cases may include products containing retinoids.
Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A. Related products include Retin A (tretinoin), retinol and retinoic acid. Retinol is has an alcohol base in its chemical structure which allows it to moisturize the skin. On the other hand, retinoic acid will cause the skin to become dry.
Retinoids work by improving the rate of skin cell turnover. This is why they can be somewhat helpful for mild forms of acne scars.
Los Angeles Acne Scar Treatment
Fine Touch Dermatology offers free consultations for people interested in learning which Los Angeles acne scar treatment is most appropriate for their needs.
Check out these results of acne scar treatment on a patient with darker skin.