How to Regain a Plump Youthful Looking Face With Restylane

Overtime the face may start to droop. This is often related to the inevitable force of gravity which pulls our tissues downward as one continues to blow out birthday candles each year.  Also muscles, fat and connective tissue below the skin will atrophy over time due to various causes and natural aging processes. However, this

Wrinkle Removal Results| Los Angeles

Crow’s Feet Treated with Belotero Instead of Botox

This patient was accustomed to using Botox injections to get rid of the crow’s feet around his eyes. But he recently heard of a new cosmetic filler called Belotero and decided to give it a try. This would be a transition from his normal use of neurotoxins (what makes Botox and Dysport) to the use

Wrinkle Removal Results| Los Angeles

Botox Patient Switches to Belotero Injections to Treat Crow’s Feet

This patient was a routine user of Botox injections to treat the fine lines around his eyes called crow’s feet. However, he recently made the switch to Belotero injections instead. He decided to steer away from his usual use of neurotoxin treatments like Botox and Dysport. And he did not want laser rejuvenation. Thus, a

Augmented Lips With Juvederm| Before and After

The Different Forms of Hyaluronic Acid for Cosmetic Injection

There are a few common forms of hyaluronic acid that have FDA approval for use as an injectable cosmetic serum. Hyaluronic acid is the main ingredient for temporary treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, and many other cosmetic ailments commonly pertaining to aging skin. It is also widely used for lip augmentation and non-surgical cheek lift.

Understanding Retinoids As An Effective Wrinkle Treatment Ingredient

Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A. They can be found in prescription strength creams such as Retin A, Renova, Atralin, Avage/Tazorac. There is also an over the counter version called Retinol. Although these skin care products are usually not found in glamorous packaging, retinoids are recommended by dermatologists as the most effective wrinkle treatment ingredient

Wrinkle Treatment Claims of Lancome and Face Slapping

Many people  in Los Angeles are interested in wrinkle treatment results. After all, the  desire to get rid of wrinkles is natural.   In response to this demand, numerous products and services have been developed. All of them offer the hope of improving the appearance of lines and creases on the face.  However, some of

lLos Angeles Patient - Botox Results

Attitudes Towards Botox and Other Minimally Invasive Procedures

Earlier this year, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons released findings which support the growing preference for minimally invasive procedures. According to these numbers, seven minimally invasive procedures are performed for every surgery. In Los Angeles and other locations,  the most popular procedures seem to be Botox and lasers.   Other treatments include dermal fillers

Los Angeles Patient Receives Treatment For Frown Lines

Los Angeles Belotero- Getting Rid of Frown Lines

This patient had two static vertical lines between her brows. She did not want to use Botox to treat the muscles responsible for causing these frown lines.  Instead she chose to just address these fine lines. Belotero was used to get rid of them.  There are three product variations. However the FDA approved one of

Los Angeles patient receives Belotero for fine smile line

Belotero Gets Rid of Fine Line on Los Angeles Patient’s Face

This patient in Los Angeles underwent a Belotero procedure. She  had developed a shallow vertical line on the left side of her face.  One might assume that finer creases are less severe than deeper ones,  therefore they should be easier to treat.  With injections and fillers, this is not the case. Challenges of Using Dermal