Fraxel Dual| Los Angeles

Achieving Freedom From Wrinkles & Pigmentation With Lasers

It can’t be denied that with age everyone gets a few wrinkles. Before the advent of modern cosmetic procedures, we had no choice.  We had to cope with the aging structure of the face and live with it. However, society does attach a stigma to older looking men and women who are often viewed as

Non Invasive Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle Treatment and Laser Skin Rejuvenation Part 1: Thermage

RADIOFREQUENCY WRINKLE TREATMENT AND LASER SKIN REJUVENATION OPTIONS If you are thinking about booking your next dermatology appointment for a skin-tightening radiofrequency wrinkle treatment or laser skin rejuvenation treatment as top priorities to improve your appearance, you are not alone. A survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) released in July reveals that

Botox Forehead and Wrinkles Fillers Treatments Increase in Men

MORE MEN OPT FOR BOTOX FOREHEAD TREATMENTS Botulinum toxin is currently the most common minimally invasive cosmetic procedure performed in men, such as a Botox forehead treatment. While many men try to maintain their appearance and youthfulness with exercise, a healthy diet and skin care regimen, more men are now turning to a skin surgeon

Wrinkle Treatment with Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Nonsurgical Facelift Options: Part 1

Los Angeles residents are constantly on the lookout for innovative and effective nonsurgical cosmetic treatments and procedures to improve appearance. In the never-ending quest of fine-tuning beauty and seeking more ways to maintain a youthful appearance, Dr. Umar can help you with determine the best nonsurgical cosmetic treatment or procedure. Wrinkle treatment with laser skin

Los Angeles patient receives Belotero for fine smile line

Belotero Lip Injections for Lip Enhancement and Belotero Smile Lines Treatment: Part 2

In Belotero Lip Injections for Lip Enhancement and Belotero Smile Lines Treatment: Part 1, we discussed how aging, sun damage and other environmental factors affect our skin. All contribute to the appearance of fine line and wrinkles, skin’s volume loss, lips’ volume loss and skin’s elasticity loss. Thankfully Belotero injections can reverse the signs of

Treating Undereye Circles - Los Angeles Info

What Are Your Options For Treating Dark Circles and Other Signs of Aging Under Your Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern for many people.  This issue is caused by the thinness of skin in the tear trough area. This causes blood vessels to be visible.  There are two types of dark circles: (1) blue (2) brown Blueness is caused by oxygenated blood. Dark brown circles are

Why Water Is Good For Your Skin But Could Be Causing Wrinkles Around Your Mouth

Drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day is supposed to be a healthy habit. Our bodies lose water not just from excretion, but also from breathing and evaporation from the skin. Therefore, it is important to replenish lost fluids. Water is also supposed to help hydrate the skin and keep it looking moist and

Skin Treatments in Los Angeles

Can Gold Be Used As An Effective Treatment For Wrinkles

One of the most talked about trends in anti-aging is the use of gold as an ingredient in high end skin products. Here are a few examples: – Gratiae Gold Elements – Oro Gold 24K Anti-Aging Eye Serum – Alpha-H Liquid Gold Anti-Aging Peel – Umo 24K Gold Facial – Gold Camilla Body Oil A

Los Angeles Patient Receives Dysport

Results of A New Study Which May Confirm Why Dysport Outperforms Botox

Getting rid of facial expression wrinkles through neuromuscular injections is a popular form of treatment among celebrities and non-celebrities alike. The results are fast and reliable, unlike cosmetic creams, lotions, serums and facials where people simply hope for improvements. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 for cosmetic use in the treatment of wrinkles.

Skin Damage from Smoking

We all know the risks of smoking in terms of cancer, heart disease and raising your cholesterol and blood pressure, but it also wrecks havoc on your complexion. Not only does smoking dull your complexion, smokers are more prone to having wrinkles around the mouth and developing under-eye bags before non-smokers, reveals a recent study