higher cheeks| non-surgical treatment with Radiesse

Achieving a More Youthful Face with a Non-Surgical Cheek Lift

As you approach middle age, you lose volume all over your face. With a thin face, the signs of aging are much more apparent. While Botox injections minimize the appearance of wrinkles, dermal fillers are needed to restore volume. The look of youth is reflected with a “baby face” with plump cheeks and sag-free skin.

Patient Shown Before Her Non-Surgical Cheek Lift

Radiesse Results for Cheek Enhancement in Los Angeles Patient

This Los Angeles patient had three areas of concern that were all addressed with Radiesse: (1) cheekbones that she wanted to be higher and more shapely (2) sunken and dark tear troughs (3) prominent marionette lines Here is a video taken two months after her treatment which used 2 syringes of Radiesse (3cc). It features

Cheek Lift Without Surgery| Before and After Radiesse

Radiesse Gives Los Angeles Patient A Non-Surgical Cheek Lift-Before and After Video

This Los Angeles patient underwent a non-surgical cheek lift correction using Radiesse. The filler was also used to make her tear troughs look less dark and deep.  Bone loss had caused a reduction in facial volume. And she was not happy with the deepness and darkness of  the areas beneath her eyes. How Radiesse Works

Patient Before & After Silhouette Lift

Patient in Los Angeles Gets Treatment for Saggy Skin With Silhouette Lift-Before and After

Before Surgery: Los Angeles patient concerned about saggy skin  and the onset of jowling in her cheeks.  In a relatively young patient, with only mild degree of sag, a full facelift is considered too early and too invasive. The patient opted for a silhouette lift which is relatively non invasive. Here are before and after pictures:

Silhouette Lift Results - Jowls & Sagging

Los Angeles Patient Corrects Jowls & Saggy Skin – Before and After

Before Surgery: Patient was concerned about saggy skin in her cheeks and the significant jowling. She did not want any invasive surgical procedure and would not consider a surgical face lift. She opted for a silhouette lift which was a great compromise for what she wanted to achieve. Surgery:  Los Angeles dermatologist, Dr. Umar was

Patient With Deep Nasolabial Folds

Silhouette Face Lift : Non-Invasive Face Lift

Silhouette face lift performed by Dr. Umar at FineTouch Dermatology in Los Angeles, CA Redondo Beach office. A Silhouette lift can help reduce laugh lines and jowls without all the surgery of a facelift. Before surgery the patient was concerned about saggy cheeks and the onset of Jowling. For young patients, with mild degrees of