Age Spot Treatment| Removal Services

Wrinkle Treatment and Laser Skin Rejuvenation Part 3: Fraxel

LASER SKIN REJUVENATION FOR WRINKLE TREATMENT, UNEVEN SKIN TONE Fraxel is one of the most popular cosmetic brands for laser skin treatments, both for laser skin rejuvenation and laser resurfacing. The three Fraxel laser systems address an array of skin issues, from mild to severe, with high precision. Since Fraxel laser skin rejuvenation treatments are

Before & After Laser For Severe Acne Case

Options for Removing Acne and Reducing Scars

WHAT CAUSES ACNE AND HOW TO REMOVE STUBBORN PIMPLES Simply put, clogged follicles result in acne. Acne is a medical skin disease known as acne vulgaris that appears where there are prevalent sebaceous follicles, such as your face, back and chest. Acne varies from mild flare-ups with a few pimples to chronic breakouts with severe

Skin Rejuvenation and Fraxel Laser Treatments for Numerous Skin Issues

The desire to maintain a youthful appearance and improve numerous skin conditions is widespread in Los Angeles. Innovations in skin rejuvenation technologies now allow for arrays of options to address specifics with both surgical and nonsurgical treatments. Dr. Umar at FineTouch Dermatology addresses an array of skin conditions, from mild to severe. This includes acne,

Fraxel Skin Resurfacing in Los Angeles

Fraxel is a brand of fractional lasers used to treat an array of skin conditions. After just one treatment, skin becomes softer and smoother. Additionally, Fraxel laser treatments repair aging skin and sun damage, eradicate fine lines and wrinkles, and improve uneven complexions. An important factor is that they target only problems areas and leave surrounding

Photos of Los Angeles Patient's Fraxel Repair Results

Fraxel Repair Solutions

One of the most popular fractional lasers is Fraxel Repair. Fraxel Repair is a revolutionary laser treatment that has the capabilities to correct deeper wrinkles, tighten skin, and remove years from a person’s appearance. Much more safer, effective, and comfortable than other surgical procedures, Fraxel Repair has life changing benefits for people of all skin

Fraxel Lasers VS. Fractional Lasers

This week in our blog, we are going to focus on the three different Fraxel lasers-Fraxel Repair CO2, Fraxel Restore 1550, and Fraxel Thulium 1927. Fraxel lasers are used to correct wrinkles, tighten saggy skin, soften frown lines, and improve age spots, sunspots, or other sun-induced areas. But before we go into detail about each