Laser Skin Treatment Improves Photodamage in Asian patients

LASER SKIN TREATMENT OPTION FOR ASIAN SKIN TONES A low-energy, low-density 1,440 nanometer fractional laser is an effective laser skin treatment for treating photodamage in Asian patients, according to results of a small study. The patients had Fitzpatrick skin types III to V and had visible signs of photodamage. The patients were given four treatments

How a Los Angeles Dermatologist for Sun Damage Improves Skin

A sun protection skin care regimen prevents and reduces the amount and appearance of sun damage and age spots. Additionally being mindful with preventative measures, in addition to a customized skin care regimen, decreases your chances for developing skin cancer. A Los Angels dermatologist for sun damage and age spots can help you improve skin

Fraxel Laser Skin Treatment Performed During Wintertime is Ideal

With less daylight hours and less time spent outside during this season, wintertime is ideal for a Fraxel laser skin treatment at the FineTouch Dermatology. Skin after any type of laser resurfacing is extra sensitive since it is in the wound healing process to improve appearance and/or correct a cosmetic or medical issue. Winter is

Fraxel Procedure| Education for Patients

What Do the Fraxel Setting Numbers Mean?

Fraxel is one of the most talked about skin laser systems in the media. It is helping to change the way we approach common issues such as: –          Acne scars –          Age spots –          Melasma –          Large pores These concerns are caused by tiny structural elements in the skin. And with Fraxel, it is possible

Fraxel Skin Resurfacing in Los Angeles

Fraxel is a brand of fractional lasers used to treat an array of skin conditions. After just one treatment, skin becomes softer and smoother. Additionally, Fraxel laser treatments repair aging skin and sun damage, eradicate fine lines and wrinkles, and improve uneven complexions. An important factor is that they target only problems areas and leave surrounding