Conquering Severe Acne| Laser Treatment Results

Acne Hope for Severe Acne, Nodulocystic Acne and Scars

IMPROVING SEVERE ACNE AND ACNE SCARRING In most cases, patients with severe acne and nodulocystic acne are more concerned about severe acne scaring than the ongoing acne they experience. For severe acne and severe acne scarring, a significant portion of the face is affected and there is also a lot of pain and inflammation. Unless

Skin Clinic Advice on Summertime Skin Care, Wrinkles and Fraxel DUAL

Beauty and a youthful appearance are paramount in society, which you may be attempting to achieve or maintain with exercise, a healthy diet and a skin care regimen that includes daily sunscreen application and wrinkle treatment. However, consulting with a board certified dermatologist and skin clinic for advice is often times necessary to achieve your

Laser Skin Treatment Improves Photodamage in Asian patients

LASER SKIN TREATMENT OPTION FOR ASIAN SKIN TONES A low-energy, low-density 1,440 nanometer fractional laser is an effective laser skin treatment for treating photodamage in Asian patients, according to results of a small study. The patients had Fitzpatrick skin types III to V and had visible signs of photodamage. The patients were given four treatments

Before & After Laser For Severe Acne Case

Options for Removing Acne and Reducing Scars

WHAT CAUSES ACNE AND HOW TO REMOVE STUBBORN PIMPLES Simply put, clogged follicles result in acne. Acne is a medical skin disease known as acne vulgaris that appears where there are prevalent sebaceous follicles, such as your face, back and chest. Acne varies from mild flare-ups with a few pimples to chronic breakouts with severe