Wrinkles Can Be Prevented & Treated

Wrinkle Treatment Claims of Lancome and Face Slapping

Many people  in Los Angeles are interested in wrinkle treatment results. After all, the  desire to get rid of wrinkles is natural.   In response to this demand, numerous products and services have been developed. All of them offer the hope of improving the appearance of lines and creases on the face.  However, some of

Los Angeles patient receives Belotero for fine smile line

Belotero Gets Rid of Fine Line on Los Angeles Patient’s Face

This patient in Los Angeles underwent a Belotero procedure. She  had developed a shallow vertical line on the left side of her face.  One might assume that finer creases are less severe than deeper ones,  therefore they should be easier to treat.  With injections and fillers, this is not the case. Challenges of Using Dermal

How to Choose the Right Sunscreen

Although we are advised to wear sunscreen on a daily basis to protect our skin from wrinkles and sun damage, choosing the right product can be confusing because there are so many factors to consider.   Concepts like of SPF, UVA and UVB protection are not intuitive. Most people only have a vague understanding of what these