How a Skin Doctor or Skin Surgeon Can Improve Complexion, Skin Issues

Understanding skin, the largest organ of our bodies, can be a bit complicated. On top of skin dynamics regarding skin care, skin irregularities and problematic skin issues, it can be a little embarrassing to discuss personal skin predicaments with friends and family. We may keep our embarrassing skin issues to ourselves — all the more

Severe Acne|Patient Before & After Treatment

Acne Solutions Using Diverse Approaches

Acne affects both men and women at various levels of severity. This medical skin disease, known as acne vulgaris, usually appears during puberty. However, acne can appear at any stage in life due to genetic reasons, hormonal fluctuations and lifestyle-induced factors. Acne presents itself with prevalent sebaceous follicles, typically on the face, back and chest.

Simple Products for Beauty and Skincare: Part 4

Whether it’s skin infections or dandruff you need to address, your medicine cabinet most likely has effective, simple products for beauty and skincare fixes. Look no further then some common household items for solutions in many cases. These multipurpose, simple products for beauty and skincare are also dermatologist approved and cost-effective. More complicated skin conditions

Clear Skin| Dealing With Acne - Treatment and Maintenance

Simple Products for Beauty and Skincare: Part 3

Simple products for beauty and skincare fixes are abundant throughout your home as common household items. These products work double-duty on common ailments such as heartburn and irritated skin. Many of them also improve overall skin health and wellbeing. These simple products for beauty and skincare are also cost-effective and dermatologist approved. If your skin

Simple Products for Beauty and Skincare: Part 2

Your fridge and medicine cabinet most likely have effective, simple products for beauty and skincare fixes. Whether it’s to prevent athlete’s foot or acne, these products work double-duty on common ailments and improve over all health and wellbeing. These simple products for beauty and skincare are also cost-effective and dermatologist approved. If these preventative measures

Treating Acne Scar Issues| Effective Solutions

Solutions For Acne Scars in Los Angeles

Innovations in dermatology now allow for more acne scar treatment options. They range from topical treatments and facial peels to microdermabrasion and laser therapy. However, acne scarring differs greatly between individuals. The acne itself appears in five different forms, including comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and cystic lesions. Additionally, the cause of acne can range from

Dealing with Acne: What Are These Ingredients in My Face Wash?

When you have to deal with acne, or even when you don’t, it is a common standard of hygiene and skin health to cleanse your face twice per day. Once in the morning and once at night. This washes away dirt, oil, and bacteria. And some washes provide added moisture or anti-aging ingredients to fight

Conquering Acne Scars|Patient's Before and After Images

Acne In Adulthood: Will the Breakouts Ever Stop?

Most people consider acne to be a problem faced by adolescents and teenagers. While the condition is most common at this age, it is a misconception that embarrassing breakouts automatically stop for everyone entering adulthood. Acne continues to affect many people well past their teen years. So what is the best acne treatment for adults?

Acne And Weight Gain In Young Women

New research is showing a stronger relationship between acne and diet. Last year in 2012, the Archives of Dermatology published a study showing that weight was an accurate predictor of developing acne, particularly in young women. Research Study on Acne and Weight Gain Over 3500 Norwegian teenagers (eighteen and nineteen year olds) took part in