This patient found a solution to her under eye hollows in the form of a Radiesse injection to reduce puffy eyes.

How to Reduce Puffy Eyes

Many people wake up with puffy eyes, which can be an interesting discovery upon looking in the mirror first thing in the morning. Once the initial shock of seeing the under eye bulges wears off, one might wonder “What gives you bags under your eyes?” There are several reasons why you might have puffy eyes

How a Skin Doctor or Skin Surgeon Can Improve Complexion, Skin Issues

Understanding skin, the largest organ of our bodies, can be a bit complicated. On top of skin dynamics regarding skin care, skin irregularities and problematic skin issues, it can be a little embarrassing to discuss personal skin predicaments with friends and family. We may keep our embarrassing skin issues to ourselves — all the more

Best Dermatologist| Los Angeles Area

Patients Prefer Dermatologists for Cosmetic Treatments and Procedures

The recent and first-ever American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) Consumer Survey on Cosmetic Dermatologic Procedures survey reveals that patients and prospective patients favor dermatologists over physicians with other medical specialties for cosmetic treatments and procedures overall. They also specifically favor dermatologic surgeons in nearly all the treatment categories they were asked about. “Consumers know