Many women enjoy wearing earrings on a regular basis. However, with heavier pieces, there is the chance of developing a split in one or both of the earlobes. The patient in this video is an example.
A tear formed in her left earlobe. However, she underwent surgical repair performed by Dr. U. As a result, she was able to have a normal looking appearance restored.

A second set of photos showing the patient’s results after her split earlobe repair procedure conducted by Dr. U*
The Basic Process of Split Earlobe Repair Surgery
Torn earlobes actually occur more often than most people realize. Therefore, procedures for repairing them have become quite common and consist of the following set of steps.
(1) A local anesthetic is applied to the treated area. The average patient is not able to feel discomfort and remains awake during the procedure. However, if needed, an oral pain killer may be used.
(2) Edges of the split are renewed with a surgical instrument. This step is necessary to create smoothness in the final surface of the earlobe.
(3) The earlobe is the reconstructed with sutures as the doctor works to restore the original shape
(4) The stitches are removed after about seven days, the standard time frame for healing.
Learn more about what to expect from a split earlobe repair procedure here
Patient’s Results
The patient shown in this video is very happy with her results. Dr. U was able to reconstruct a normal looking earlobe. And the patient is eager to resume wearing earrings again. But this time around, she will need to place her new piercings in a slightly different location and choose lighter jewelry.
At the end of the video, the patient states that she would certainly undergo this procedure again if needed and has even told many of her friends about her experience, saying, “I’ve sent so many people [as] referrals. They’ve looked at your site. And simply because of my confidence in you, I’m sure that they will come and see you guys soon.”