Will Alcohol Cause Your Skin To Sag?

When it comes to skincare, there are many do’s and don’ts. Some people take all of them to heart. And yet there are those who need more convincing.  This is understandable.  With all the information that we come across, some are based on evidence, while others can be regarded as myths. Most individuals have the

Skin Treatments in Los Angeles

Can Gold Be Used As An Effective Treatment For Wrinkles

One of the most talked about trends in anti-aging is the use of gold as an ingredient in high end skin products. Here are a few examples: – Gratiae Gold Elements – Oro Gold 24K Anti-Aging Eye Serum – Alpha-H Liquid Gold Anti-Aging Peel – Umo 24K Gold Facial – Gold Camilla Body Oil A

Why Snail Slime Is Being Used to Prevent Wrinkles and Other Signs of Aging

The search for the fountain of youth seems to be a never ending story that has existed throughout human history. Cleopatra was known for bathing in goat’s milk. Hundreds of years ago in Japan, nightingale droppings were used for skin care. And this practice  is making a comeback with celebs like Tom Cruise experimenting with