Fraxel Dual| Los Angeles

Achieving Freedom From Wrinkles & Pigmentation With Lasers

It can’t be denied that with age everyone gets a few wrinkles. Before the advent of modern cosmetic procedures, we had no choice.  We had to cope with the aging structure of the face and live with it. However, society does attach a stigma to older looking men and women who are often viewed as

Causes of Melasma| Los Angeles Info.

Melasma Treatment Improves Uneven Complexion, Dark Spots on Face

MELASMA TREATMENT TO ADDRESS UNEVEN COMPLEXION If you are currently suffering from the appearance of melasma on your face or body, there are effective melasma treatment options to improve your uneven complexion and hyperpigmentation issues. The most popular melasma treatments are with topical solutions applied daily and laser procedures. Effective topical solutions for melasma treatment

Why Pregnancy Is Still Occurring In Women On the iPledge Acne Program

Prescription oral acne treatments have a very high risk of toxicity. One example is  isotretinoin which goes by names such as: Accutane, Claravis and Sotret. There are many side effects associated with this drug. A few listed by RX List include: Seizures Dryness of skin Hearing or vision problems Hallucinations Depression Thoughts of suicide The

Fraxel Dual Clears Age Spots in Los Angeles Patient

Hyperpigmentation Laser Treatments During Summer

The appearance of hyperpigmentation wrecks havoc on skin and is particularly apparent in the summer. This condition entails the abnormal darkening of the skin caused by excess melanin production below the skin’s surface. Hyperpigmentation appears as freckles, age spots, brown spots caused acne and melasma. Exactly how and why it appears depends on an array

Removing Tattoo Ink With Laser| Breaking Up Ink Below the Skin

Tattoo Removal: Introducing the Lutronic VRM III Spectra Laser

The award winning Lutronic VRM III Spectra laser is a Q-switched Nd: YAG system designed to perform a wide variety of dermatological and aesthetic treatment procedures for dermal and epidermal pigmented lesions, multicolor tattoo removal, melasma, and active acne. The laser can also be used for laser toning and non-ablative skin rejuvenation. Lutronic is an

Restylane| Choosing a Board Certified Practitioner

Removal of Nevus (Moles) on the Face and Body by Dr. Umar

A nevus, or known to many as a mole, is a non-cancerous skin lesion that is composed of melanocytes, which are pigment-producing cells of the skin. Melanocytes are special cells that give human skin its color. Melanocytes help protect the skin from getting a sunburn by producing the pigment melanin, which causes the skin to