Radiesse is an innovative dermal filler that not only reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the skin, but it also adds volume to the skin. The body absorbs the filler after about a year, and then the injections can be repeated, allowing for the reshaping of treated areas to adjust to the changes that occur in your face over time. Therefore, Radiesse is commonly used for soft tissue augmentation, such as adding volume to sunken cheeks, tear troughs, deep laugh lines and other facial features. It is NOT used in the lips. The other unique feature of Radiesse is that it provides both immediate improvement of the skin and face while having longer lasting effects.
How Do Radiesse Injections Work?
Radiesse injections are able to stimulate the production of additional collagen in the body and are ideal for adding volume to smooth out facial wrinkles and creases in the skin. When injected deep into the dermis, or skin, Radiesse forms a matrix into which your own tissue can grow into and expand volume. Usually within a week, the injections will begin to integrate within the skin, and the best part is that the injections will be soft but durable. This unique characteristic of Radiesse provides immediate, improvement of facial lines and wrinkles, and provides beautiful long lasting and natural results.

This patient was concerned about the drooping effect that her deepening laugh lines had on her face. She was able to restore a much more youthful looking appearance with the help of Radiesse.*
Radiesse Offered at the Office of Dr. U
If you are searching for a treatment that will eliminate your wrinkles and improve your skin, Radiesse injectable fillers will be an effective way to achieve your anti-aging treatment plan. At the Office of Dr. U in Redondo beach, Los Angeles, board certified Dermatologist Dr. Sanusi Umar uses Radiesse to correct smile lines, nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the nose and mouth. Radiesse rebuilds your skin’s foundation and restores your youthful look, without the risks associated with permanent implants. Live in Manhattan Beach? No problem. Many of Dr Umar’s happy patients live in Manhattan Beach which is only 5 minutes away from His office in Redondo Beach. For more information, please call the FineTouch Dermatology Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or visit the website at FineTouch Dermatology.