The young woman in these photos is an actress who underwent skin treatment with Fraxel Dual mainly to get rid of brown spots and achieve a bright, clear complexion. While make up is a tool of the trade for on screen entertainment professionals, having minimal blemishes to start with is important for flawless natural look on camera. According to Los Angeles dermatologist, Dr. Umar, the Fraxel Dual laser is an ideal tool for helping to optimize the skin from the inside out, prior to the application of makeup.
Why Fraxel Dual Is So Effective As A Skin Treatment
It is important to understand that every laser system relies on a single energy wavelength to perform very specific objectives. Fraxel Dual has two wavelength modalities:
(1) 1550 nm
(2) 1927 nm
1550 nm is able to reach the dermis layer which resides beneath the surface of the skin. This wavelength stimulates the production of collagen by emitting the right level of heat which is enough to trigger natural healing responses. The new collagen fibers helps to add a youthful firmness to the skin.
According to Dr. Umar, 1550 can also help destroy melanocytes which produce and contain the melanin pigment that contributes to unwanted brown spots originating from the dermis layer.
The 1927nm wavelength can be applied to refine the top epidermis layer of the skin. This modality is useful for addressing fine lines and brown spots from melanocytes cells that reside closer to the skin’s surface.
As a rule of thumb, whenever a desired effect is wanted, it is often necessary to address an unwanted cause. With the skin, these factors exist at deeper cellular levels. The precision of Fraxel Dual’s wavelengths offers a non-invasive way to actually change the biology of the skin.
Patient’s Before and After Photos
Thanks to Fraxel Dual, this patient is able to enjoy her beautiful renewed complexion both onscreen and offscreen, when she is not on set.
The final head shots were taken by Geoffrey Donn photography, approximately twelve days following her procedure. Retouching was only performed for getting rid of stray hairs.
What is truly remarkable is that no primer, foundation or contouring was used on the patient’s face. The only makeup she is wearing is eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss.

image credit: Geoffrey Donn Photography – Patient with virtually no signs of brown spots after her Fraxel Dual procedure*

image credit: Jeffrey Donn Photography – Fraxel Dual patient shown with clear natural looking complexion*
Dr. Umar’s expertise with the Fraxel Dual laser has helped many patients achieve a significant and lasting difference in their skin. This laser is not just ideal for age spots, but also for:
(1) enlarged pores
(2) acne scars
(3) sun damaged skin
More real life success stories are available throughout our photo and video galleries.