The Candela GentleYAG efficiently and safely treats a vast array of cosmetic skin conditions that prior to now have been much too difficult to treat. Our laser treatment is renowned for its capability to attain permanent hair reduction on very dark skin. It is very often utilized to treat spider veins, wrinkles, folds and loose skin.
The GentleYAG System, an innovative, high energy laser that emits a smooth beam of light that effortlessly penetrates the skin where is then absorbed by the target area. This energy is then transferred into heat, thus leaving the surrounding region unaffected. Furthermore, the skin is protected during treatment by a device that sprays cryogentreating onto the skin. This cools the upper layers and provides additional comfort for patients. The Gentle YAG protects the skin while simultaneously unwanted hair, lesions, folds, and wrinkles.
Before treatment begins, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed. Special laser goggles will protect your eyes during the treatment. You will rest flat on one of our soothing procedure beds so as to decrease the pressure of blood in your legs. Your spider veins will become a thing of the past.
The GentleYAG is the least painful laser on the market. This is a direct result of its variable pulse width, as well as its dynamic cooling device. The vast majority of our patients that have had sclerotherapy in the past or used other Nd:YAG lasers have attested that the GentleYAG laser immensely less painful. Believe it or not, topical anesthetics are not even needed for treatment.