Use fat for facial rejuvenation through the harvesting of stem cells shows promise. According to a panel of plastic surgeons who presented findings during The Aesthetic Meeting in San Francisco in April, the use of fat to add volume to the face is the best thing to happen to plastic surgery and surgical dermatology since the debut of the facelift and injectable dermal fillers. ” In a press release from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Val Lambros, MD, says. “It (stem cells) is truly the best substance imaginable when used appropriately and in reasonable quantities.”
Panelists also discussed the use of fat as a biologic therapy for facial rejuvenation treatments through the use of stem cell harvesting, as well as facial fat volumization best practices. The facial rejuvenation works because fat subcutaneously impacts blood vessels, which can repair tissue.
“The stem cells in fat can impact dermal thickness, collagen production and stimulation of new blood vessels — all key components of regeneration and restoration,” says panelist Steven R. Cohen, MD. Photodamage, age spots, wrinkles, scarring and pigmentation issues can be corrected through fat volumization, according to the panelists.
Facial wrinkles result from repetitive facial expressions and/or aging. The brain processes environmental and emotional reactions then expresses them with movement of the body and face by triggering nerve fibers. Common, repetitive facial expressions crease the skin, which eventually become permanent wrinkles. Age also plays a factor since skin gradually loses its firmness and elasticity.
Photodamage and age spots result from years of exposure to the sun’s UV light, as well as tanning beds. Aging and genetics also play a role in the formation wrinkles, skin texture changes and age spots. Age spots are more common on those with fair skin tones, though they also appear on darker skin.
Scars result from collagen alignment differing from normal skin. Fibers are aligned rather than in basket-weave patterns, which also results in scars looking thicker than surrounding skin. After any type of injury, the body attempts to repair the issue as fast as possible. The intricate wound healing process produces excessive collagen during the remodeling phase of injury.
Though fat and stem cells from fat are apparent keys to slowing the aging process by recreating cells that are lost as a person ages, stem cell treatments are still in their infancy. Additionally, the panelists agreed that other injectables, as well as laser skin resurfacing, are important for recreating facial volume and must be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Fraxel laser resurfacing treatments stimulate the body’s ability to produce collagen using light energy that turns to heat on either the skin surface or dermis skin layer. The skin treats the heat source as another injury since the area is either ablated (vaporized) from Fraxel re:pair or aggravated from Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel r:efine.

Fraxel Dual not only helped this patient clear unwanted age spots, but also other issues such as large pores*
Fraxel Dual is a non-ablative laser treatment that addresses mild to moderate acne scars, surgical scars, wrinkles, melasma, photodamage, age spots and more. It incorporates the use of two laser strengths to stimulate collagen and refine skin.
To figure out the best laser resurfacing treatment, contact Fine Touch Dermatology for a consultation. To learn more about Fraxel DUAL, read