Stretch marks result from damage to the skin’s dermis layer. This can happen due to events that cause the body mass to increase in size at a fairly rapid rate. Examples include: pregnancy, rapid growth during puberty, body building and weight gain due to overeating. Unfortunately, the surface area of the skin may not grow at an equivalent rate to accommodate these changes. And stretch marks can develop.
Research does suggest that regular moisturizing can help prevent stretch marks. But it will not get rid of them.
Stretch marks tend to develop on areas of the body where fat tends to be stored. So this would include: thighs, belly, upper arms, breasts etc.
Early stage stretch marks (which are reddish or purplish in color should be addressed as soon as possible. Significant improvement is more likely to happen when action is taken right away. The use of lasers such as Vbeam or Fraxel can help stimulate the formation of collagen to repair damage to the dermis layer. More advanced types of stretch marks (which are white or grey, often with indentations) are quite difficult to treat.
Scar tissue is made of collagen fibers, just like the rest of your skin. The main difference lies in how these fibers are arranged. Scar tissue has a look and feel that is thicker than the rest of your skin because the collagen is produced as a disorderly mass of fibers.
Acne scars and non-acne scars may both benefit from the use of laser to help create regular forms of collagen that would fade the thickness of the scar tissue. Scars that result from wounds may be treated with surgical revision procedures.