Stronger Chin|Using Radiesse

Improve Your Face At Any Age With Radiesse

Gravity can take a toll on some, especially as the age numbers increase. This is a fact of life. One may have thought their appearance is something they have to accept.  But now there are options to reverse these effects, even in one’s mature  years. There may be a variety of well marketed beauty products

Radiesse| Filling Laugh Lines Around Nose & Mouth

Is It Possible to Overfill the Laugh Lines

The term laugh lines can refer to a couple different types of wrinkles. For example, crows feet can appear on the face when a person laughs. But perhaps more commonly, laugh lines are the grooves that develop around the nose and mouth. They are also known as nasolabial folds. Nasolabial folds develop when the face

higher cheeks| non-surgical treatment with Radiesse

Achieving a More Youthful Face with a Non-Surgical Cheek Lift

As you approach middle age, you lose volume all over your face. With a thin face, the signs of aging are much more apparent. While Botox injections minimize the appearance of wrinkles, dermal fillers are needed to restore volume. The look of youth is reflected with a “baby face” with plump cheeks and sag-free skin.

Augmented Lips With Juvederm| Before and After

The Different Forms of Hyaluronic Acid for Cosmetic Injection

There are a few common forms of hyaluronic acid that have FDA approval for use as an injectable cosmetic serum. Hyaluronic acid is the main ingredient for temporary treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, and many other cosmetic ailments commonly pertaining to aging skin. It is also widely used for lip augmentation and non-surgical cheek lift.

Non-Surgical Cheek Lift| Patient Photos- Radiesse

Non Surgical Cheek Lift With Radiesse in Los Angeles Patient

This Los Angeles patient underwent a non surgical cheek lift with a Radiesse procedure to achieve subtle refinements on her face. She also wanted to improve the appearance of her sunken tear troughs.  Another target areas was to address the marionette lines which had developed around her mouth. Radiesse is very unique compared to many

Cheek Lift Without Surgery| Before and After Radiesse

Radiesse Gives Los Angeles Patient A Non-Surgical Cheek Lift-Before and After Video

This Los Angeles patient underwent a non-surgical cheek lift correction using Radiesse. The filler was also used to make her tear troughs look less dark and deep.  Bone loss had caused a reduction in facial volume. And she was not happy with the deepness and darkness of  the areas beneath her eyes. How Radiesse Works

What Is A Non-Surgical Cheek Lift?

As the aging process happens, skin loses elasticity, density, and firmness. Saggy skin on the face is not only a dead giveaway of a person’s age, but is also cosmetically unacceptable to many. A once-beautiful oval face with jutting cheekbones can become gaunt and tired-looking. While people have opted for surgical face lifts to correct