Fraxel Dual| Los Angeles

Achieving Freedom From Wrinkles & Pigmentation With Lasers

It can’t be denied that with age everyone gets a few wrinkles. Before the advent of modern cosmetic procedures, we had no choice.  We had to cope with the aging structure of the face and live with it. However, society does attach a stigma to older looking men and women who are often viewed as

Age Spot Treatment| Removal Services

Los Angeles Age Spot Treatment With Fraxel Dual

This patient in Los Angeles wanted to get rid of age spots on her skin. Several of them were quite pronounced and noticeable in their appearance. Why Fraxel Dual Was Recommended to Treat Age Spots An effective age spot treatment needs to be able to reach the melanin below the skin’s surface. Topical treatments like

Fraxel Dual Results| Ethnic Skin

Fraxel Dual Clears Age Spot Pigmentation on Los Angeles Patient

This patient was concerned about her uneven skin tone, rough skin texture and enlarged pores. By using the Fraxel Restore Dual laser, which works for all skin tones, Dr. Umar was able to solve her problems and restore her youthful look. After just one treatment, the patient was very pleased with with the results of