You may already know that collagen plays an important role in the youthful appearance of your skin. It is one of the most abundant types of proteins that your body has. Collagen enables your skin to stay firm. There is another type of protein known as elastin, which gives your skin the ability to stretch and regain its normal structure and form.  When these proteins are damaged or depleted, this appears as signs of aging. Many wrinkle treatment options in dermatology can boost the level of collagen and elastin in your skin.  This includes Fraxel Dual, Fraxel Repair and Radiesse.

Nontheless, it is  important that your body has the nutrients it needs to be able to create these proteins.


Phytoestrogens are chemical compounds found in plants. The prefix, phyto, comes from Latin and means plant.

Phytoestrogens mimic the effect of estrogens in the body. Estrogen is a hormone that encourages the development of collagen and elastin. However, its levels tend to decline with age, particularly around the time of menopause.

Supplementing your body with phytoestrogens can help compensate for the depletion of this hormone. Like estrogen, this chemical can also help prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin.

Good food sources of phytoestrogens include:

1) soy (which supplies a particular type of phytoestrogen known as isoflavenoids)

2) nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, chestnuts, pistachios)

3) flax seeds ( named the highest source of phytoestrogens according to

4) vegetables (examples:broccoli, cabbage, alphalfa sprouts, carrots, asparagus, bok choy)

Vitamin C in Wrinkle Treatment

Vitamin C is also another nutrient that can work hand in hand with ongoing antiaging efforts. It is involved in the beginning stages of collagen production as it puts together two amino acids:

1) proline

2) lysine

This creates a compound known as procollagen.

Vitamin C is found abundantly in fruits and vegetables such as:

(1) oranges, lemons, limes

(2) colored bell peppers

(3) leafy greens like kale

(4) broccoli

(5) strawberries

(6) Guavas

Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil is sometimes perceived as a wrinkle treatment. Topical applications can help with maintaining the appearance of the skin. However, this vitamin is best used internally.

Vitamin E helps to fight against the damage of free radicals which often cause damage to collagen and elastin fibers. Free radicals are often caused by the sun’s UV rays as they interact with molecules on your skin. They also originate from environmental toxins that can enter our bodies through food, water and air.

Vitamin E often works together with Vitamin C in building collagen.

Vitamin A

The benefits of retinoids for your skin is a highly publicized concept in the media. This is due to the large amounts of research which support their effectiveness. And many individuals have also experienced its benefits as well from using wrinkle treatment products that have retinoids as an active ingredient.

Retinoids come from Vitamin A. This nutrient is important for the skin’s renewal by promoting two key functions:

(1)  increasing  the rate that dead skin cells are removed from the skin’s surface to reveal younger skin. This is known as cell turnover

(2) reconstructing collagen fibers

Your body makes Vitamin A through processes that start with beta-carotene. Beta carotene rich sources include:

(1) spinach

(2) apricots

(3) tomatos

(4) mangos

(5) carrots

Effective antiaging and wrinkle treatment ultimately rest on your overall health. Diet choices are not a short term wrinkle cure. The effects of nutrition require consistency. However, knowing what foods to focus on will benefit your skin in the long term.

Wrinkle Treatment

A long term wrinkle treatment strategy should include proper nutrition for healthier, firmer skin