Men & Cosmetic Procedures| Botox and Other Treatments

Botox Forehead and Wrinkles Fillers Treatments Increase in Men

MORE MEN OPT FOR BOTOX FOREHEAD TREATMENTS Botulinum toxin is currently the most common minimally invasive cosmetic procedure performed in men, such as a Botox forehead treatment. While many men try to maintain their appearance and youthfulness with exercise, a healthy diet and skin care regimen, more men are now turning to a skin surgeon

Laugh Lines| Reduced Facial Volume

Removing Lines and Wrinkles and Restoring Volume to the Face

As we age, the skin around our eyes begins to lose elasticity and firmness that leads to laugh lines.  Creases, or laugh lines, can also be a result of environmental damage such as exposure to the sun; or they can be hereditary. The deepening of laugh lines is a characteristic of aging that we often