The popularity of Botox parties has increased in recent years due to the economy. Statistics show that people continue to prioritize their appearance despite the recession.

So it is very appealing when a popular injection like Botox is available for free or at a reduced cost. However these gatherings are not an ideal substitute for getting proper procedures at a Botox clinic.

What Is A Botox Party?

There are basically two types of Botox parties.

  1. Sometimes a host will arrange a private Botox party by inviting a dermatologist to perform injections on guests. The host may cover the entire cost of the injections. Or they can be available at a reduced cost
  2. There are also occasions where a dermatologist will host the Botox party at their clinic. Discounts are offered to the patients who attend.

Although Botox is a medical procedure, many people perceive it as a more of a beauty treatment. So this may be why the injection is being seen as something that can be done in a social context.

Are Botox Parties Safe?

Events that are held at a Botox clinic are much safer than gatherings in non-medical settings.  However conducting patient evaluations is an essential process that should not be forgone.  Botox is a drug. And like any drug, it has risks of side effects and complications. Even if the doctor has evaluated the attendees prior to the event, patient confidentiality is difficult to maintain in a social gathering.

Botox parties  that are held in private event locations are certainly not safe alternatives to a Botox clinic.

– If an emergency arises, there would be limited resources available to deal with the situation. In a medical setting, a potentially dangerous occurrence (e.g. heart attack) can be addressed faster and more efficiently.

– A medical setting like a Botox clinic is regulated by laws. When procedures are performed outside in other locations, patients may not receive full legal protection if something goes amiss.

The host of these events may not be aware of what type of doctor should be performing these procedures. Just because a doctor has a medical degree does not mean they are fully qualified to administer these injections. The specialized knowledge and expertise of a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon is an important requirement. Patient satisfaction has shown to be much higher with these physicians.

An individualized treatment procedure at a Botox clinic is a wiser choice than a Botox party. It is usually best to take a thoughtfully considered route rather than being led by cost considerations. And unlike a facial or manicure, Botox is not an ideal choice for social activities, especially in settings where alcohol is served.

Before Botox Clinic

Los Angeles patient before her procedure at a Botox clinic*