The Causes and Treatment of Neck Wrinkles

neck wrinkles*

The skin on the neck is much thinner than the skin on the face.  This is why neck wrinkles and other signs of aging are likely to appear much more readily.

Causes of Neck Wrinkles

In order to consider proper wrinkle treatments for the neck, it is important to understand how various causes contribute to the formation of neck wrinkles.

  1. 1. Sun Damage:

Because the skin on the neck is relatively thinner compared to the face, it is more susceptible to wrinkles and sun damage.  Proper prevention in this area can reduce the need for wrinkle treatments in the long term.

  1. 2. Smoking and Caffeine:

Just as smoking and caffeine cause the face to age prematurely, these factors also affect the neck as well. Smoking and caffeine constrict the size of blood vessels. This restricts the availability of nutrients and oxygen to the skin, resulting in neck wrinkles.

This is another area where lifestyle changes (i.e. stopping or reducing smoking or caffeine  intake) can help prevent the need for wrinkle treatments.

3.  Platysmal Bands:

Platysmal bands are muscles that are responsible for causing vertical neck bands.  These muscles exist as sheets that stem from the chest, deltoid areas over the collar bone and proceed upwards on the neck.

Over time, these muscles thicken and become shaped more like cords. In some people this results in a “turkey gobbler” appearance in the neck or a double chin.

4. Skin thickness and forward movement of the head:

In some people, the skin around their neck is thicker than in others.  So when they move their head forward or down, horizontal creases form in the skin.

Neck Wrinkles Skin Treatment

Aging neck skin can be addressed with similar wrinkle treatment modalities that are used for the face.

1. Botox

Neck wrinkles can be addressed with Botox which can be injected to help the neck muscles relax and improve the surface appearance of the overlying skin. These injections, however are useful for vertical platysmal bands as opposed to horizontal creases

2. Laser

Neck wrinkles can also be treated with laser. Fractionated CO2 lasers like Fraxel Re:pair  work as a wrinkle treatment by vaporizing  numerous vertical columns of skin. The surface area shrinks as a result and the skin becomes tighter

3. Surgery

To correct loose muscles in the neck, surgical incisions can be made either beneath the chin or behind the ear. This enables the physician to access the Platysma muscles and alter them as necessary.

Surgical wrinkle treatment of the neck can also be performed by removing excess skin, which is responsible for the creases that form from head movements.

If you are in the Los Angeles area and would like to learn specifically about how to address aging skin and neck wrinkles, Dr. Umar is available for consultations at no cost.