Stretch marks are a common cosmetic skin concern for many people.  At first, they appear as colored lines on the skin that are either red or purple. When left untreated, they become white or silver colored. And indentations may also develop.

Causes of Stretch Marks

Patients should always try to understand what causes their condition. Stretch marks are forms of damage to the dermis layer of the skin, which is below the surface. This layer is responsible for giving the skin its firmness and it is also where collagen originates as well.

In general, stretch marks tend to occur when areas of the body rapidly increase in size. They are most associated with pregnancy. In fact, 75-95% of women develop stretch marks during their third trimester.

Other physiological changes can include:

(1) building muscle mass through body building

(2) rapid growth in height during puberty

(3) extreme obesity

The growth rate of the skin may not be able to keep up with these types of changes. This may cause the dermis and epidermis to develop tears. Genes can determine how resilient the skin is to tearing.

Hormones also play a factor in the formation of stretch marks. For example, glucocorticoid hormones act as a hindrance to the normal activity of fibroblasts. These are special cells in the dermis that produce elastin and collagen fibers which give skin its firmness and ability to stretch.  Without these fibers, there is very minimal support for the skin as it stretches during pregnancy or other form of body growth listed above.

Where Do Stretch Marks Develop?

Stretch marks have the tendency to develop in areas where fatty deposits accumulate. Examples include:

(1) upper arms

(2) thighs

(3) abdomen

(4) breasts

How Can Stretch Marks Be Treated

Early stages of stretch marks have the most potential for improvement. In other words, the red or purple discolorations should be addressed as soon as possible.

Stretch marks in more advanced stages are far more difficult to treat.

Because the dermis layer is damaged, it is possible to use laser energy to stimulate the production of new collagen.  This can help repair some of the damage that is done.

The Prevention of Stretch Marks

During pregnancy, women are advised to moisturize as much as possible to keep the skin resilient and pliable.  There are actually a research studies which supports the value of this practice.

In Germany, researchers compared pregnant women who were treated with cream versus those who were not treated. Within the treated group, one third of the subjects developed stretch marks. In the untreated group, two thirds developed stretch marks.

Another study supported the daily  use of Trofolastin cream with Gotu Kola and vitamin E.  Fewer stretch marks developed as a result.

Research has also found that ingredients such as: menthol, panthenol, elastin and hyaluronic acid were also quite effective in helping to minimize the appearance of stretch marks.


Treating Stretch Marks With Lasers

The use of lasers in the early phases of stretch mark development can be quite effective. The reddish and purple discolorations can be addressed with a laser system that targets the blood vessels such as Vbeam. The Vbeam laser uses wavelengths in the range of 585-595nm. This energy is absorbed very well by blood cells which contain oxygenated hemoglobin. Once absorbed, the wavelengths will destroy the walls of the blood vessels responsible for the redness. This tissue will continue to degrade and break down. Natural systems in the body will carry this debris away.

Some patients may also benefit from the additional use of Fraxel lasers to help stimulate the formation of new collagen.  This can enable the repair of damages done to the dermis layer.

Los Angeles patients who are interested in treatment for stretch marks or scars may want to continue reading additional articles on this subject and talk to others with similar experiences.

For example, Fraxel Dual can be used to help the skin produce new collagen. Click here to read more.

stretch marks treatment information

Besides pregnancy, stretch marks can also develop on the upper arms.