Curling Eyelashes| Manual or Heated

Should You Use A Heated or Manual Curler After Your Eyelash Transplant?

Manual lash curlers have been a staple part of mascara application routines for many women. They are often recommended in makeup tutorials. These tools are simple devices with a much recognized design. They work by press the eyelash hairs between two curved strips of foam.  They can be used by anyone who wants their lashes

Eyelash Transplant Results| Four Months - Side by Side Comparison

Video of Eyelash Hair Transplant Patient After Four Months

Many women want long, lustrous eyelashes full of volume and are now seeking a permanent solution. Traditionally, women’s only options were mascara, false eyelashes, eyelash extension and Latisse. Eyelash hair transplant procedures now make radiant, long eyelashes possible with a minimally invasive outpatient procedure with little downtime. NON-SURGICAL EYELASH ENHANCEMENTS Different methods of eyelash enhancements

Eyelash Transplant With Nape Hair | 4 Month Progress

Eyelash Hair Transplant Results Four Months Post Surgery

Women with weak, damaged, sparse or short lashes have a new option for the permanent restoration of long, radiant lashes. An eyelash hair transplant allows for a permanent improvement with longer, thicker and growing eyelashes. It’s a safe, effective way to restore living and growing lashes to your eyelid. Like many women, this patient continually wore