Are you tired of the tedium and frustration of waxing, shaving, and the pain of electrolysis?

One of the most advanced laser hair removal technology is the GentleYAG laser. This is a laser procedure in which a beam of light at a specific wavelength is applied to the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. GentleYAG laser hair removal is used for any area of the skin which has unwanted hair, including the face, neck, chest, back, bikini area, underarms, arms and legs.

GentleYAG is also a leading hair removal laser because it uses the latest technology in laser hair removal to rapidly treat large areas without the limitations of older technologies. The GentleYag system’s longer wavelength allows it to be used safely and effectively on patients with light or dark skin as well as tanned skin. Unlike other systems, GentleYag lasers can treat the fine hair on a woman’s upper lip just as easily and effectively as the coarse hair on a man’s back. The cooled handpiece increases patient comfort and minimizes the adverse skin reaction commonly seen with other lasers. In other words, this laser is safe and effective to use on all skin types. Because the GentleYAG laser treats several hair follicles at a time, the procedure can be used to treat large surface areas fairly quickly and thus can be compared to the speed of shaving, except with the lasting result of electrolysis..

Laser hair removal with GentleYAG is effective on almost any area of the body where smoother and hair-free skin is desired.

Laser hair removal with GentleYAG is effective on pretty much any area of the body where smoother and hair-free skin is desired. GentleYAG is also a cutting-edge hair removal laser for the reason that it utilizes the most current technology in hair removal to quickly tame large areas minus the limitations of out dated technologies. The GentleYag system’s longer wavelength lets it be used effectively on patients with both  light or dark skin tones. Unlike other systems, this laser can treat the finest hair (such as the upper lip) just as quickly and effectively as more coarse hair, such as back hair.