There are many reasons for redness in the face: acne, tiny spider veins, rosacea, inflamed or broken blood vessels. Depending on the cause, this condition can be treated using the Perfecta Vbeam, a laser so precise it targets your skin at the vascular level.

Simply put, Vbeam is a wonderful skin rejuvenation tool, using a gentle pulse of targeted light to treat skin blemishes. It is particularly effective at controlling the effects of rosacea as well as reducing the redness from broken capillaries.

No anesthesia is required with Vbeam treatments, because the gentle pulse causes no pain and leaves you with no bruising. Healing is fast. Typically you can return to your regular activities the next day.

As the newest generation of the Vbeam laser family offering Combination Therapy for facial redness and Rosacea, the  Vbeam is as good as it gets when it comes to laser technology.

Perhaps most importantly, even small veins on the face as a result of other conditions can also be treated with this laser.  Small veins created by damage from the sun or even excessive weather exposure and aging can also be conquered by this laser.