Nearly 40% of women are unhappy with veins that are visible on their legs.

There are two basic categories

1)      Vericose veins

2)      Spider veins

The main difference between the two is their size. Spider veins are much smaller, usually less than a millimeter. Also they are flat on the skin’s surface. Vericose veins are bulged and raised.

Individuals in Los Angeles who are interested in leg vein treatment options should understand how results are produced.

Los Angeles Leg Vein Treatment Results-Asclera

In Europe, Asclera has been used for over 40 years. It was approved by the FDA in 2010.

Prior to this clearance, saline injections of sodium tetradecyl sulfate were used.  Both drugs will damage (sclerose) the endothelium lining within the blood vessels.  This causes them to seal off, rendering them as waste tissue. The body’s natural elimination system then removes them.

Asclera is now considered to be the better option for leg vein treatment results. Here are several reasons.

  1.  According to the FDA, it is more effective than sodium tetradecyl sulfate by a 20% difference
  2. Does not produce discomfort for the patient since it doesn’t sting
  3. Gets rid of small spider veins, which has been a challenging objective with saline.
  4.  Developments such as neovascularization, hemotomas, irritations from the sun do not occur.

Los Angeles Leg Vein Treatment Results- Cosmetic Lasers

Laser systems offer another way to get rid of leg veins. Patients should have basic understanding of how they work

Leg  Vein Treatment Results – 1064nm Nd:YAG laser (Long Pulse)

In 2002, a medical journal called Dermatologic Surgery published a study by Los Angeles dermatologist,  Dr. Umar. This research compared the leg vein treatment results of three lasers:

1) 755nm Alexandrite

2) 810nm Diode

3)   1064 nm long pulse Nd:YAG

The 1064 laser gave the best outcomes for leg vein removal compared to the laser systems using the shorter wavelengths.  Here are a couple reasons why:

1) The 1064nm wavelength (as a long pulse) can reach veins that are deeper below the skin’s surface

2) Also 1064 nm energy is easily absorbed by oxygenated hemoglobin.   This makes it easier for it to enter the blood vessels that need to be cleared for better leg vein treatment results.

The 1064nm wavelength can also be used safely for patients of all skin tones.  It is one of the few wavelengths that will not over heat the skin due to high melanin levels.  Like oxygenated hemoglobin, melanin also acts as a chromophore that will absorb laser energy.  However it does not easily absorb light at 1064nm.

Vbeam Laser For Leg Vein Treatment Results

The Vbeam laser uses the 595nm wavelength. Because it is shorter, it is better for getting rid of very small blood vessels (e.g. spider veins) that are visible on the skin’s surface.

It also works by entering the blood vessels as oxygenated hemoglobin absorbs the wavelength.  The veins are sealed off from the heat and eventually removed by the lymphatic waste removal system.

Which Leg Vein Treatment  Would Work For Me?

Los Angeles leg veintreatent results –After learning about Asclera,  Gentle YAG (1064nm) or the Vbeam laser, you may want to have a complimentary consultation at Fine Touch Dermatology to see which option would be best for you.

Los Angeles Leg Vein Treatment Results- Getting smoother looking legs may require the removal of spider and vericose veins

Los Angeles Leg Vein Treatment Results- Getting smoother looking legs may require the removal of spider and vericose veins*