This Los Angeles patient wanted to get rid of Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra moles on her face.

Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Patient

Los Angeles patient prior to removing dermatosa papulosa nigra bumps on her face*

Before Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Procedure

View of DPN moles in the upper face before treatment*

Before Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Procedure in Manhattan Beach CA

Right side of patient’s face before removing Dermtosa Papulosa bumps from face*


Dr. Umar treated her with a light form of electrocautery. Here images of her results:

After Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Procedure

Los Angeles Dermatosa Papulosa nigra patient after her procedure*

After Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Treatment in Redondo Beach CA

Los Angeles dermatosa papulosa nigra patient showing results on right side of face*

Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Treatment in Redondo Beach CA

Patient after removing Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra*


Here are before and after images of her procedure:

los-angeles-dermatosa-papulosa-nigra before and after

Before and after images of Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra procedure*

los angeles dermatosa papulosa nigra result of electricautery treatment

before and after images of Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra procedure.*


As you can see the procedure was successful in clearing away the unwanted dark tissue growths on her face,  leaving no scars.

 Electrocautery (also known as electrodessication) uses a high voltage electric current to remove unwanted tissue. The heat can also be applied to seal off blood vessels which contribute to the growth of the Dermatosa Papulosa bumps.

These lesions often occur around adolescence. And it is common for them to increase in size and number.

What is Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra?

Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra manifests as small moles on the face with the following characteristics:

1) dark brown or black

2) between 1-5mm

3) flat and slightly raised

This condition occurs in about 35% of the African American population. And it can also develop in Asians as well.

These lesions look like moles in the following regions

1) under the eyes

2) cheeks

3) forehead

4) neck

5) upper chest

6) upper back

Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra is a very harmless condition. These lesions look like common moles. But they are thought to result from abnormal development of the psilosebaceous follicle. Regular moles are formed from the clustering of melanocytes. These are the cells that create melanin which colors our skin.

Additional Forms of Treatment for Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra

Different treatments may be recommended for different patient cases. Besides electrocautery, here are some other commonly used procedures:

1) Cryosurgery

Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the DPN tissue. This causes it to dry up and fall off.

2) Surgical Scraping or Excision

Surgical tools can be used to scrape the raised tissue off the surface. Or the lesion can be excised by cutting around the lesion. Both techniques will create a wound that will require sutures after the procedure

3) Nd:YAG laser

The Nd:YAG laser uses the 1064nm wavelength. This energy is very safe for both darker and lighter skin tones. These procedures are non-invasive. The laser energy closes the blood vessels of the Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra tissue. It also heats the melanin, causing the pigment to coagulate. The remains of the blood vessel tissue and the melanin are then broken down by the body and removed naturally.

Los Angeles Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra Services

Safe and effective procedures to remove Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra lesions are offered at Fine Touch Dermatology. Individuals who are interested in getting rid of these mole like growths may sign up for a free initial consultation to learn about the best form of treatment.

Appointments can be made by filling out our online consultation form at the top of the page, or by calling us directly at 877-337-6424.