Many people want to achieve the proportions of a classic looking profile. Chin augmentation procedures can help.

Many people want to achieve the proportions of a classic looking profile. Chin augmentation procedures can help.

Chin augmentation  procedures increased by about 71% from 2010 to 2011 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  A significant portion of people seeking these procedures are between the ages of 40-54.

There are a couple possibilities for this trend:

  1. In a slow economy, people are motivated to look younger and more attractive. Their hope is to increase their chances of being hired.
  2. The prevalence of video and social media causes people to feel self conscious about how they look on screen.  Often they will see themselves at different angles.  Weak or receding chins are seen as less attractive.

Chin augmentation can be accomplished surgically and non-surgically.

Surgical Chin Augmentation

Surgical chin augmentation often requires the use of a customized implant. An incision is made under the tongue, adjacent to the gums.

Some implants only cause the tip of the chin to project forward (i.e. button implant).  This can look unnatural if it disrupts the contour of the jaw by producing a ridge.  Other implants can be shaped to cover a more lateral portion of the chin.

Recovery time is about 3-4 days.  According to Real Self, the average cost of this procedure is about $3725.

Surgical chin augmentation can also involve changing the jaw bone structure.  This is what occurs during mandible osteotomy where the lower jaw is broken and repositioned with screws. Candidates include those with a poor bite due to a small jaw.  Patients can go back to work in about 2-3 days. But the overall healing process will take 2-3 months.  The cost of this type of procedure can range from $17-$19,000.

Non Surgical Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation can also be accomplished without surgery.  This is done with an injection called Radiesse. Although this filler is used in the skin for anti-aging purposes, it can actually adapt to conform to different tissues.  In soft areas of the face, such as the undereye areas and nasolabial folds, it will continue to give a soft appearance.

But it can also mimic firm surfaces like cartilage. Radiesse is made of calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres. It will provide a malleable scaffold under the skin.  For chin augmentation procedures Radiesse can be shaped while the patient is awake. The doctor will be guided by the patient’s instructions to determine the preferred amount and shape.

How Long Does Radiesse Last In Chin Augmentation Procedures

Radiesse will last between 12-18 months.

Why Do People Choose Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

Although Radiesse is not permanent, it can offer an ideal solution for a variety of reasons.

  1. If a patient is not able to afford the full cost of a surgical chin augmentation procedure, they can choose Radiesse to deliver similar outcomes.
  2. Using Radiesse in the chin gives patients an opportunity to get a sense for the results they want.  Aesthetic decisions really take time. At the time of the procedure, a chin shape might seem appealing. But objectively, friends and family may think otherwise.  By critiquing a particular outcome over time, one can make the right decision.
  3. As a chin augmentation procedure, Radiesse can be reapplied and adjusted to suit a person’s face as they age. The face will lose volume over time. And a permanent chin implant may not look attractive at a certain point.  Radiesse injections can be applied to help ensure that the face continues to look balanced.

Los Angeles Celebrities and Chin Augmentation

Before and after pictures of celebrities seem to suggest that they have undergone chin augmentation.

Although she has always been attractive from a young age, Marilyn Monroe had a weak chin. After being called the “chinless wonder,” it is said that she chose to get a chin augmentation procedure with an implant.

From the profile view, Los Angeles celebrity Angelina Jolie has a very long jaw line. However from before and after pictures, it seems that she may also have undergone chin augmentation.

In the spring of 2011, Bristol Palin surprised the public with a new face that included a sharper elongated jaw. Medical experts suspect that she had some type of chin augmentation.