Getting Rid of Cellulite: Parts 1 and 2 discussed the various untrue information out there about cellulite. The previous articles also reveal what causes it, how to get rid of it and even what it is. This article will continue to detangle the myths about cellulite. Additionally, we’ll reveal tips to reduce it, as well as treatments and procedures to eliminate cellulite.


Get Rid of Cellulite| Legs & Thighs

Freedom from cellulite is a universal desire shared by women all over the world.


Clothing Impacts Cellulite Appearance

Myth: Compression-style clothing reduces fat movement and bouncing while exercising but the efficacy only happens when you wear the clothing. Also beware that some tight clothing options can also cause cellulite. For example, underwear with elastic bands may cut off circulation and limit blood flow. This restriction can actually contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

Smoking Contributes to Cellulite

Fact: Studies reveal that smoking cigarette reduces blood vessel flow. It also disrupts and weakens collagen formation. This damages and stretches connective tissue so underlying fat shows through skin. In addition to cellulite, smoking damages your skin with premature wrinkles, dries and discolors skin and may contribute to stretch marks. It also makes getting rid of cellulite more difficult.

Certain Foods Prevent Cellulite

Fact: Your diet is important in terms of your overall health and body composition. While a healthy diet inclusive of fruits and vegetables is ideal, diet alone won’t determine cellulite appearance nor guarantee getting rid of cellulite. A healthy diet is also important to reduce inflammation and maintain a healthy weight and body mass index. You should also say hydrated with water and include water-rich foods in your diet. This assists to keep connective tissue strong. Foods with high water content include bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes.

Only a Dermatologist Can Perform Cellulite Treatments

Myth: Many dermatologists perform treatments for getting rid of cellulite but cellulite is not a medical condition. While we suggest to always be under the care of a dermatologist, a medical professional is not required to treat cellulite. Many Medispas perform treatments such as Endermologie and non-invasive laser procedures. However, if you do go this route, make sure the technician is licensed, experienced and properly trained.

Liposuction is Always the Solution to Cellulite

Myth: Liposuction is not the end all, be all solution for liposuction. Cosmetic procedures may in fact make fat distribution more uneven so it’s important to discuss this possibility with your dermatologist. Uneven fat distribution will make the appearance of fat distribution worse. However, Endermologie may have better result for getting rid of cellulite and achieving even fat distribution. This vacuum-like non-surgical procedure entails a technician using a suctioning device with rollers over your skin. It pulls and squeezes trouble spots for 30 minutes with efficacy after 10 visits (two per week).

There’s No Permanent Solutions for Getting Rid of Cellulite

Fact: Scientists and dermatologists are getting better and better at finding long-term solutions for getting rid of cellulite. In regards to permanent versus long-term, this statement is both true and false. The Food and Drug Administration approved the surgical Cellulaze in 2012. Cellulaze is effective in getting rid of cellulite by using an optic laser to melt fat, break up fibrous connective tissue and stimulate the growth of new collagen.

Always consult with a dermatologist when looking into getting rid of cellulite. He or she can best explain your options for getting rid of cellulite.