If you experience excessive underarm sweating, medical known as axillary hyperhidrosis, you need additional treatment options with Botox and lasers. Like you, many others are anxious to treat this embarrassing excessive underarm sweating. It may even be so bad to the point it becomes debilitating to your social and work life, plus it also creates self-esteem problems.


This condition can significantly alter your lifestyle, which ranges from limiting your clothing options via fabric and color choices to emotional issues like isolation from embarrassment from sweating stains and a pungent odor.

Overactive sweat glands cause axillary hyperhidrosis. Excessive underarm sweating is common since there are two glands in the armpit. The eccrine gland secretes an clear fluid that is also odorless to cool the body. The apocrine gland produces the odor.


Luckily your body does not need excessive underarm sweating to regulate body temperature. There are numerous sweat glands throughout your body to control body temperature. Image courtesy of www.realself.com*

Most excessive underarm sweating can be controlled with over-the-counter antiperspirants or the more heavy-duty aluminum-based antiperspirants available by prescription. When multiple daily showers, deodorants and antiperspirants fail to solve the problem, you are definitely suffering axillary hyperhidrosis. The condition affects men and women in equal numbers.

While it can be the result of menopause, stress or medication such as anti-depressants, many times it is just the result of overactive sweat glands.

The control of sweating is via the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the body’s unconscious processes. The first nerve runs from the brain, down the spinal cord and then communicates with a second nerve that connects the skin to the sweat glands.

Luckily your body does not need excessive underarm sweating to regulate body temperature. There are numerous sweat glands throughout your body to control body temperature.


Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA), a formulation of the botulinum toxin type A, injections are also an available treatment. Botox. Botulinum toxins work by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.

Botox is refined to a nontoxin protein. The inhibition of acetylcholine blocks the neurotransmission of muscle contraction that results in either paralyzing or weakening certain muscles. Botox treats therapeutic, medical and cosmetic issues,  including:

  • Severe underarm sweating
  • Blepharospasm
  • Temporary removal of wrinkles
  • Cervical dystonia
  • Strabismus

Botox blocks the nerves that control sweating, but is a temporary measure as new nerves grow back. However, with some patients botulinum toxin works and for others it doesn’t block the sweat ducts enough.


Until now, the only permanent option for people with sweat problems has been surgery under general anaesthetic. The procedure cuts nerves in the chest that lead to the sweat glands. It’s major surgery that is best avoided in all cases if possible, and recovery time is a few weeks.

On the other hand, the laser treatment requires two treatment sessions and also destroys the sweat glands. These glands do not regenerate so it offers long-term results in a very short treatment time. 
Since laser treatments are technically a cosmetic procedure, as are Botox injections, they are usually not covered by insurance. And since you need multiple Botox injections, laser treatments usually offer a faster, more effective solution.

Laser treatments do require numbing but the only side effects are temporary pain and mild swelling, which resolves in a short time. 
It’s basically two treatments and you are done with underarm sweating.

Dr. Sanusi Umar offers consultations and treatment options for numerous skin conditions, including excessive underarm sweating. He has an array of patient photos and videos that demonstrate his expertise and artistry to give potential patients a better idea of his services.