Hirsutism can affect the back, chest & face. Laser hair removal and electrolysis can help control excess hair growth

Hirsutism can affect the back, chest & face. Laser hair removal and electrolysis can help control excess hair growth*

Although shaving and waxing can usually tame the appearance of excessive hair on the body, the ongoing and frequent growth rate is due to physiological dynamics such as genetics and hormones. Excessive hair growth can also be related to a medical condition known as hirsutism.

Although most women feel like they have more body hair than they would like and therefore shave their legs and arms, hirsuitism is a more extreme condition.

What Are the Symptoms of Hirsutism

In hirsuitism, hair is coarse, dark and thick. And the hair growth occurs on parts of the body that are typically seen in men. This includes:




Other areas of hair growth include:

–          Upper lip

–          Cheeks

–          Chin

–          Neck

–          Midchest

–          Inner thighs

Hirsutism is usually caused by high levels of androgens (i.e. testosterone in particular) or a sensitivity of the hair follicles to androgens. As such  there may be other hormone related symptoms that accompany the prevalent hair growth:

–          Deeper voice tone

–          Male pattern baldness

–          Decreased breast size

–          Larger muscles

These secondary symptoms occur through a process called virulization.

It is important to seek help from a doctor if you are experiencing these virulization symptoms.  Medical help also becomes necessary if you notice that unwanted hair growth accompanies irregular menstrual periods.

What Tests Are Performed To Diagnose Hirsutism

In addition to a physical exam, your doctor will give you a blood test to assess the existing levels of hormones in your body.

One of the most common causes of excessive androgens  is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This is caused by an imbalance of sex hormones which leads to ovarian cysts and irregular periods.

Another cause of high androgen levels is Cushing’s Syndrome, which occurs when your adrenal glands produce excess levels of cortisol.

Your doctor may perform an ultrasound or a CT scan to get a clear view of your ovaries and adrenals to see if any dysfunctions in these areas are contributing to hirsutism.

How is Hirsutism Treated?

Hirsutism can be treated through hormone therapies. This can involve oral contraceptives which increase the production of estrogen and progestin to balance and inhibit the production of androgens by the ovaries.  Antiandrogens (such as Spironolactone, also known as Aldactone) can be prescribed to block androgen receptors on cells.

Hirsutism can also be addressed through advanced techniques such as electrolysis and laser hair removal.  Electrolysis removes hair one by one by treating the hair follicle. Laser hair removal, on the other hand removes hair from larger areas of the body in a shorter time frame. It reduces the number of hairs within a particular region.