For years, people have relied on Botox to deliver swift and surgery-free relief from their wrinkles, but now there is a Botox alternative. Dysport is the newer injectable wrinkle treatment, bringing an extension of youth to thousands.

What is Dysport and How Does it Work?

Dysport is a purified derivative of botulinum toxin. It received its FDA approval in April of 2009 and has since become a popular resource for the cosmetic treatment of crow’s feet and fine lines on the forehead.

Upon injection, Dysport stops the release of the chemical compound acetylcholine at specific nerve sites. The lack of this neurotransmitter paralyzes the nerve signal that normally tells the muscles to contract, leaving the muscles in a relaxed state.

The main molecular structure within this serum has few adjoining proteins, and is thus well accepted by the body. As a wrinkle treatment, Dysport injections last about four months, and possibly longer in some cases.

Any Dangers With Dysport?

Dysport is considered safe and comes with minimal risk. There are, of course negligible side effects and the off chance of more serious ones. The milder side effects, which should subside within a few hours to a few days, include:

  • -Nausea
  • -Dry mouth
  • -Flu-like symptoms
  • -Headache
  • -Swelling

Life-threatening side effects are incredibly rare. However, if you notice symptoms of either of the following happening to you, seek medical attention immediately:

  • -Allergic reaction (hives, rash, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing)
  • -Botulism (numbing of the face, limbs, and respiratory system, resulting in death)

Dysport Vs. Botox for Wrinkle Treatment

Thoush Botox is tried and true, many people have begun to prefer Dysport as it is noted that the latter takes effect quicker, has slightly better outcomes, and may last a bit longer.