When Melasma occurs, the person’s skin becomes dark, blemishes occur and the surface appears discolored.

Causes of Melasma

  • While Melasma occurs mostly in women, sometimes men can be affected too as they also undergo hormonal changes.
  • At times, dark patches if a woman is taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or oral contraceptives. These usually last until the pregnancy ends but the causes listed are still open to debate, as no one knows exactly what causes the skin discoloration.
  • Some doctors call it ‘the mask of pregnancy’ to explain it to lay persons. Medical exerts link this condition to hormonal changes, largely brought about due to intake of birth control pills. Most blemishes in cases of Melasma diminish over time and are not very apparent but some can linger much after the pregnancy is over- much like a souvenir.
  • Other factors that have been linked with possible causes for a person getting Melasmainclude using medications that make you sensitive to the sun (photosensitizing), be they cosmetics or medicines used to treat ovarian or thyroid problems. Those already susceptible to Melasma must take care to avoid unnecessary sun exposure.

Treatments for Melasma

Most of the treatments available for this skin disorder veer towards the inclusion of products that contain corrosive chemicals like Hydroquinone, which is also used in bleaching solutions meant for lightening the skin color. Other approach known for treating Melasma requires removal of the discoloration by laser and can be quite expensive to consider. This is the reason why many persons affected by Melasma choose to go in for herbal, ayurvedic or home remedies to solve this pigmentation problem.

  • Since Melasma among women causes discoloration of the skin, mainly on the upper lip, nose and forehead, it can be camouflaged with natural looking makeup till it becomes less apparent.
  • Melasma and acne during pregnancy have also been linked with acne being the precursor that indicates Melasma. Therefore, some of the preventive measures for acne should by that logic hold true for treating Melasma. These include extra attention to feminine hygiene, face cleansing, toning and moisturizing twice daily to keep the skin hydrated.
  • Drinking plenty of water and getting adequate exercise keeps acne at bay, which is largely caused due to stress that can be reduced through regular physical activity.
  • Herbal products containing cocoa butter is the most well known treatment for Melasma and skin discoloration as it soothes and smooths fine lines and stretch marks to reduce the visible appearance of this ‘mask of pregnancy’.
  • Rehydration of the skin is very necessary for it get back into form and the Melasma condition to be less apparent. Olive oil is a great alternative too!
Causes of Melasma| Los Angeles Info.

Melasma is caused by melanin secretion beneath the skin due to hormones.