Dr. Umar discusses the causes of hair loss with American Health Journal.  In the United States, baldness affects 35 million men and 21 million women.  Pattern baldness occurs commonly in men. However it also affects women as well, but to a lesser extent. A genetic predisposition is the main underlying cause. Genes create protein receptors on the hair follicles which are particularly sensitive to DHT, which is a breakdown product of testosterone. Dr. Umar also explains that it is a myth that pattern baldness is inherited from the mother’s side of the family.

In women, the causes of hair loss are more widespread. Conditions such as thyroid disease and anemia can cause hair to fall out.

Other factors such as stress, nutritional deficiencies and medication can exacerbate genetic predispositions to baldness.

Immune disorders can lead to allopecia areata in children, causing patchy baldness, which is easily treatable.

For more  information on treatment solutions for hair loss, please visit:
