Wrinkle Removal Results| Los Angeles

Crow’s Feet Treated with Belotero Instead of Botox

This patient was accustomed to using Botox injections to get rid of the crow’s feet around his eyes. But he recently heard of a new cosmetic filler called Belotero and decided to give it a try. This would be a transition from his normal use of neurotoxins (what makes Botox and Dysport) to the use

Los Angeles Patient Receives Treatment For Frown Lines

Los Angeles Belotero- Getting Rid of Frown Lines

This patient had two static vertical lines between her brows. She did not want to use Botox to treat the muscles responsible for causing these frown lines.  Instead she chose to just address these fine lines. Belotero was used to get rid of them.  There are three product variations. However the FDA approved one of