Belotero for Forehead Lines and Wrinkles

Results of Belotero For Forehead and Frown Line Wrinkles

This Los Angeles patient was interested in a solution for fine line wrinkles on her forehead and in between her brows. These lines are caused by facial expression muscles in these regions of the face. Also creases are likely to appear when the skin has lost its original firmness and elasticity. This is often caused

Commonly Asked Questions about Dysport

Commonly Asked Questions about Dysport Botox has become somewhat of a household name. Because of the media, we commonly associate Botox with celebrities and dermal fillers in general.  However Dysport is Botox’s newest rival. Here are some answers to common questions about this new type of injection. What is Dysport? Dysport and Botox are both

Dysport Patient| Frown Line

Frown Lines Between Eyebrows Treated With Dysport

This patient wanted a way to make the frown lines between her brows disappear. As seen in this video, they are caused by particularly strong muscle contractions, squeezing the skin into a prominent vertical line. Dysport is a botulinum toxin produced by bacteria. It is quickly developing a reputation as Botox’s latest rival. The injection