Fraxel treatment is a revolutionary laser treatment that helps you remove years from your appearance and regain a more youthful look.

Dr Sanusi Umar is the only doctor in his area with 2 of the Fraxel family of lasers. The Fraxel family of products has three laser treatments, all delivering remarkable results with fast recovery. The range of Fraxel treatments vary in aggressiveness, downtime, number of procedures needed and results. The most aggressive treatment:

Fraxel repair, The newest product in the Fraxel family, Fraxel re:pair treatment is a preemptive strike against a facelift. It produces dramatic improvement for severely damaged skin. This is a single treatment procedure, but will require more downtime and after treatment wound care.

Fraxel re:store, can produce significant results for mild to moderately damaged skin over the course of 3 to 6 treatments. Typically, there is no after treatment wound care with these treatments and downtime is minimal.

When considering which treatment option is best for you, you and your physician should discuss the trade-off between downtime and results to determine the best option that fits your skin condition and lifestyle.

Regardless of the level of sun damage you have, or if you just want prevention and maintenance, there’s a Fraxel treatment for you. The Fraxel family of treatments has multiple FDA clearances. These include:

  • Fraxel Repair
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Furrows
  • Skin texture
  • Pigmented lesions (age/sun spots)
  • Sun-induced redness
  • Laser blepharoplasty
  • Fraxel Restore
  • Skin resurfacing
  • Fine lines around the eyes
  • Pigmented lesions (age/sun spots)
  • Discoloration and uneven pigmentation
  • Melasma (mask of pregnancy)
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical scars

In short, Fraxel treatment creates smoother, fresher, healthier and younger-looking skin.improved tone, texture and pore size.and the softening of wrinkles and lines.