Botox Injections Treatment

We all get wrinkles, but there’s no reason we have to put up with wrinkles we don’t want! FineTouch Dermatology in Redondo Beach is dedicated to helping all of our clients look and feel their best. For those looking for a non-surgical option to tweak those unwelcome wrinkles and restore the best that you have to offer, Botox is an excellent option for those aged 18 to 65.

Botox is a purified protein that can temporarily erase moderate to severe frown lines by relaxing the muscles between your brows. When Dr. Umar administers small doses of Botox via tiny injections directly into the muscles, the protein blocks your nerves from sending the signals that contract your muscles and trigger wrinkles. The result is a smooth appearance that still allows you to express natural emotions.

Botox is particularly effective in pushing back against crow’s feet around your eyes, wrinkles on your forehead, frown lines between your eyebrows and lip rejuvenation. The results can last up to four months before another treatment is needed. Botox is FDA-approved.

The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes, with no downtime afterwards.
A dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Umar’s extensive experience working with Botox enables him to achieve advanced results. As head of the professional team at FineTouch Dermatology, he is dedicated to meeting your individual needs through a customized skincare regimen combining therapeutic methods with medical expertise.
Our office is Located in Redondo Beach we at FineTouch promote healthy skin, which is a key component to a healthy and rewarding outlook on life. We look forward to helping you present the best you have to offer. Please get in touch with us via our free online consultation with any questions. Your answer won’t come from anonymous salespeople – you’ll get a personal answer from Dr. Umar!