What are the symptoms of Rosacea?

The symptoms of Rosacea include:
redness, pimples, thickened skin, blushing, and visible blood vessels on the nose and cheeks.  Over time, there can also be an enlargement and general redness of the nose.

Sometimes Rosacea can be confused for acne, eczema or allergies.

Rosacea includes four major types:
    1.) Erythemoatotelangiectatic Rosacea
    2.) Papulopustular Rosacea
    3.) Phymatous Rosacea
    4.) Ocular Rosacea

Each of these categories is characterized by a distinct set of symptoms

What are the symptoms of Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea?

This form of Rosacea includes all the general symptoms of rosacea (redness of the skin, visible blood vessels etc.)However there is also a burning and stinging sensation as well.

What are the symptoms of Papulopusular Rosacea?

Papulopustular Rosacea is characterized by small pimples or pustules along with facial flushing and visible blood vessels on the skin.

What are the symptoms of Phymatous Rosacea?

In Phymatous Rosacea, the skin develops a thickness around the nose, chin, forehead, eyes and eyelids.  These thick areas are also bumpy with large pores. The common Rosacea symptoms of flushing, pimples and visible blood vessels may also be present.

What are the symptoms of Occular Rosacea?

Ocular Rosacea includes a set of symptoms affecting the eyes. These include a burning sensation,  dryness, tearing, damage to the cornea and swollen eyelids.
Ocular Rosacea affects 50% of Rosacea patients.

When do Rosacea flare ups occur?

Rosacea flare ups occur every few weeks or every few months in cycles. In many cases, they are triggered by environmental factors.

What causes Rosacea?

The exact causes of Rosacea are unclear. The blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate very easily. So the face becomes quite red and flushed when blood flows near the surface. Also fluids will accumulate in these tissues at a faster rate than the body is able to dispose of them.
There is evidence to suggest that there is a genetic component to this condition.  Individuals with Rosacea often have relatives with similar symptoms.
The symptoms often emerge in response to environmental triggers: spicy foods, extreme hot or cold temperatures (e.g. weather, saunas), extreme emotions (e.g. stress, anger, embarrassment), rigorous exercise and drugs that dilate blood vessels (e.g. corticosteroids, blood pressure medications)

What are some other forms of skin redness besides Rosacea?

Redness from the skin may also be the result of general erythema where there is an increased amount of blood flow into the capillaries of the lower layers of the skin. This results from events such as infections, inflammations and skin injuries.
The development of spider veins on the face is another condition associated with skin redness.  Dilated red blood vessels are visible on the skin surface.  In many cases, this is the result of excessive sun exposure.
Inflammation due to acne can also cause the skin to become red as blood cells are mobilized through vessels to fight the bacteria contributing to the acne.
Contact dermatitis occurs when the immune system reacts to a particular ingredient such as benzoyl peroxide and alpha hydroxyl acids. This causes the skin to become itchy and the complexion to become red.

Who is at risk for Rosacea?

It is commonly thought that Rosacea occurs in fair skinned individuals with ancestry in parts of Europe such as England, Scandinavia, Scottland, Wales and East Europe.  According the Mayo Clinic, Rosacea also occurs in dark skinned individuals. The redness may not be as apparent, but there is still the presence of dilated blood vessels on the skin’s surface.
Rosacea occurs in individuals between the ages of 30-60. In general, it is more common in women, particularly those in menopause.

How can Rosacea be treated?

Rosacea can be treated topically with anti-inflammatory ointments. However, this solution only provides temporarily relief.
Laser procedures offer a quick and effective way to clear facial redness.  The V-beam laser for example, can selectively target problematic blood vessels, causing them to close off and become non-functional. The body will absorb and dispose of this tissue as waste.

What happens if Rosacea is left untreated?

Rosacea is a progressive disorder. So if it is not treated, it will get worse over time.