Laugh lines are also known as smile lines or  nasolabial folds. Generally, these grooves can be referred to as laugh or smile lines when the individual is laughing or smiling.  When the face is at rest, they can be labeled as nasolabial folds.

They run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth.  Most  facial wrinkles are  caused by sun damage and muscle contractions (from emotional expressions).

However, laugh lines occur as fat pads lose their volume. They deflate and descend downwards on the face. This is how facial sagging starts.

The deepening of the nasolabial folds indicates the early onset of jowls.

Los Angeles Laugh Lines- Two Patient Examples

This Los Angeles patient was unhappy with the way her lower face looked.  The nasolabial folds around her nose and mouth had become deeper.

Los Angeles patient with laugh lines

Los Angeles patient with laugh lines*

As you can see from this picture,  her face looks quite youthful except for the subtle depressions in the nasolabial areas.

Another Los Angeles patient also wanted a solution for her deepening laugh lines.  In this instance, the nasolabial folds are deeper compared to the first patient.  They looked quite pronounced whether her face was at rest or smiling.

Los Angeles patient with laugh lines

Los Angeles patient with laugh lines*

Los Angeles Laugh Lines-Treatments Through Radiesse

Radiesse is a unique dermal filler made of calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres suspended in a gel matrix.  Once injected beneath the skin’s surface, the calcium particles are able to provide the support needed to lift the skin.  The gel helps to add volume to the area. Eventually though, it will become absorbed by the body.  By this point, new collagen fibers will have formed to take the place of the gel.

Radiesse can help restore the volume loss where the deepening laugh lines occur. It basically lifts the folds to create a more youthful looking appearance.

The nasolabial folds in the first Los Angeles patient may not look very obvious until you see her laugh lines  before and after her Radiesse procedure.

Before and after pictures of Los Angeles patient who had Radiesse injected to treat her laugh lines.

Before and after pictures of Los Angeles patient who had Radiesse injected to treat her laugh lines.*

This patient’s face looks  revitalized and more plump than before.  It is easy to see how her face used to have a sagging appearance which disappeared after her Radiesse procedure.

The second Los Angeles patient experienced a similar type of outcome with her laugh lines.  The droopy look of her lower face improved substantially thanks to Radiesse.

Los Angeles patient improved the appearance of her laugh lines significantly after using Radiesse

Los Angeles patient improved the appearance of her laugh lines significantly after using Radiesse*

Los Angeles Laugh Lines- Finding Out the Specfics

Los Angeles laugh lines treatment procedures can help make individuals look younger.  Getting the best outcomes requires patient education.  You can always do your own research on the internet. And you can consult with service providers about specific details for your needs.