Manual lash curlers have been a staple part of mascara application routines for many women. They are often recommended in makeup tutorials.


Manual eyelash curler. Photo from Flickr

These tools are simple devices with a much recognized design. They work by press the eyelash hairs between two curved strips of foam.  They can be used by anyone who wants their lashes to curl upwards so that they look more prominent.  Therefore, curlers can make a big difference for lashes that tend to grow in a straight, downward direction.

Manual eyelash curlers have been on the market for many years. Up until recently, they have been the only option for creating curvatures in the lashes. However, there are now heated devices available.

Women who have had an eyelash transplant may want to learn about both types of devices.

How Eyelashes Should Be Groomed After A Transplant Procedure

Surgery to restore the eyelashes requires the transfer of hair follicles from other regions.  Here at Fine Touch Dermatology, Dr. Umar uses nape hair from the back of the neck. The thickness of these hairs is a close match to natural lashes.


Fine Touch Dermatology patient before and after her eyebrow transplant*


Eyelash transplant results after trimming, curling and mascara*

These shafts will continue to grow in the same manner as they did in the nape. This is why trimming and curling is often necessary after an eyelash transplant. They will continue to grow. The hair shafts will continue to grow. And they will continue to display the same texture.  In many people, nape and head hair tends to grow quite straight. Therefore, they may find it preferable to use some type of eyelash curling tool after their restoration procedure.

How Do Heated Eyelash Curlers Work?

Many of these devices look like tiny curling rods with tiny bristles or prongs to help grip the lash hairs. Some (e.g. Laura Mercier) have the familiar curved pieces of foam which press down on the lashes. And of course, heat would be applied to help set the new curl.

Here is a demonstration using a basic cylindrical model.

Which Is Better, A Manual or a Heated Eyelash Curler?

The choice between using a manual device or a heated curler depends on the preference of the patient.  However input from the eyelash transplant surgeon would also be important. Some time may be needed for full healing to take place before these instruments can be used.

Good Housekeeping did a study to compare both types of instruments across multiple brands. It seems that the way they are manufactured can affect the types of results they produce.  In some cases, the curl increased by 51%. In other instances, the curl increased by as much as 149%

Women may also want to consider the type of result that occurs with each.  Many models of mechanical curlers will simply crimp the lashes and create L-shaped angles.

Since many heated curlers are based on a cylindrical design, this is more likely to produce the desired curvature (in the truest sense).

Although eyelash transplant grafts continue to grow, this allows patients to choose their desired length. For those who prefer longer lashes, a heated cylindrical curler may be more ideal.

Before making a purchase decision, reading online reviews of specific products can help individuals make wise choices.

To view a video of patient results after their eyelash hair transplantation, click here.