Preventing Skin Cancer| Checkups

Get a Mole Check for Skin Cancer Awareness Month in May

Get a mole check from a skin doctor this May during National Skin Cancer Awareness month. Melanoma, which only accounts for 5 percent of skin cancer cases, kills one American every hour, according to the According to the American Cancer Society. Melanoma also accounts for the vast majority of skin cancer deaths, which is why

Getting Rid of Birthmarks| Seeking Treatment

Is it Possible to Get Rid of a Birthmark?

Yes, it is possible to get rid of a birthmark. Most people are born with some small spot that makes them distinct, like an oddly shaped discoloration. But many others are born with a large, exposed marking that can make them feel insecure or unattractive. Birthmarks come in all shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. In