Birthmarks are irregularities of the skin that appear at birth or in the first months of infancy. They are generally harmless and many disappear and/or shrink over time. However, some may be associated with other health issues. The triggers that initially cause most birthmark formations remain unknown.


Birthmark appearance ranges. Some are flat; others are raised. The shape of them may be consistent or have irregular borders. Colors of birthmarks include brown, tan, black, pale blue, pink, red or purple. The two main types of birthmarks are vascular (blood vessel) birthmarks and pigmented birthmarks. Both usually result from the overgrowth of:

  1. Blood vessels
  2. Melanocytes
  3. Fibroblasts
  4. Fat
  5. Smooth muscle

The two main types of birthmarks are differentiated by their causes. Vascular birthmarks result from blood vessels not forming correctly. Blood vessels are either wider than usual or there are simply too many of them. They include “strawberry,” “stork bites,” port-wine stains and hemangiomas. Pigmented birthmarks result from an overgrowth of cells that create pigment. They include moles, “café-au-lait spots,” and Mongolian spots.


While most of these skin imperfections are harmless, a doctor should evaluate a birthmark when it appears. This allows a definite determination of type and if it needs monitoring or treatment. However, moles should be checked regularly for changes in size, color or texture due to the possibility of a sign of skin cancer.

When a birthmark is harmless but the aesthetic is problematic, birthmark removal treatments in Los Angeles can offer solutions. Specific treatments help patients become free of birthmarks, excess pigmentation and vascular issues visible on the face and body.


Lasers are able to seal, cut or ablate either the tissue or blood vessels abnormalities of birthmarks.


Lasers are one of the most common treatment solutions. They alter the tissue structure of birthmarks without an incision. The lasers are able to seal, cut or ablate either the tissue or blood vessels abnormalities of the birthmark. Making the blood vessels smaller results in the skin’s abnormality diminishing.

Depending on whether the birthmark is vascular or pigmented determines the course of action and what laser is used.


Q-switch lasers target pigmented birthmarks by vaporizing melanocytes. The laser is rapidly powered on then shut off in a technique called Q-switching.

Pulsed Dye

Pulsed dye lasers target vascular birthmarks. They seal selective blood vessels so the birthmark is no longer visible.

Vbeam Perfecta

The VBeam uses micro-pulse technology to gently heat blood vessels. This eradicates the appearance of birthmarks. This Los Angeles birthmark removal treatment targets vascular birthmarks. It works most effectively on the following:

  • Diffuse redness
  • Age spots
  • Sunspots
  • Broken capillaries
  • Thin and/or dilated veins
  • Rosacea
  • Angiomas

Dr. Sanusi Umar offers the Vbeam Perfecta laser at his skin clinic in Los Angeles. To completely eradicate the appearance of birthmarks, multiple Vbeam treatments are often required. Always consult with a medical profession to determine the best course of action for birthmarks and birthmark removal.