Before and After of Belotero get Rid of Fine Lines

Fine line on left side of Los Angeles patient’s face before and after Belotero*

This patient in Los Angeles underwent a Belotero procedure. She  had developed a shallow vertical line on the left side of her face.  One might assume that finer creases are less severe than deeper ones,  therefore they should be easier to treat.  With injections and fillers, this is not the case.

Challenges of Using Dermal Fillers For Fine Lines

Doctors have to inject dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane deep within the skin.  These colloid solutions are made of particles suspended in a clear medium.  Light rays will scatter when they pass through, creating a bluish discoloration. This is known as the Tyndall effect.  Although deep injections are necessary because of this,  this technique will not address fine surface lines.

Radiesse is white because it is made from a calcium compound.  However, injecting it superficially may create a white ridge.

Unique Structural Properties of Belotero For Treating Fine Lines

Belotero represents a “newer generation” of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.  Cohesive Polydensified Matrix technology creates a unique type of cross linking among the molecules.  This creates a monophasic compound instead of particulate matter.  As a result, Belotero is lighter and more elastic. Doctors can inject it close to the surface because it will distribute evenly.

Up until the availability of Belotero, it has not been possible to simply fill in fine lines.  This dermal filler comes in three product variations which are used in Canada and Europe. However the FDA has only approved Belotero Balance.

Los Angeles Patient’s Feedback on Her Belotero Procedure

The vertical line seen in the photos is the result of stretching the skin from smiling. According to the patient, “Even when I smile, it does not come back…like there is more flesh in there.”

She was happy that that her procedure was a rather simple process and noted, ” This was very easy to handle…very minor bruising, no swelling, no itching…really no side effects.”

Here is a close up view of the patient before and after her treatment.

 Belotero Fine Line Treatment

close up view of fine line treated with Belotero*

The results of Belotero can last between six to twelve months. In many cases, patients require less filler over time.  Since Belotero is a hyaluronic acid, it can help the skin develop new collagen fibers.